Chapter 15: Evidence

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When Rainbow awoke again with a violent jolt, her world was very different. Both physically around her and in her general state of life. Her home had been burned down, she and her parents were effectively homeless. Her friends were on to her case to find out what is going on in her life and her powers in whatever sense are growing. Rainbow could feel it. However where Rainbow was now was perhaps the best place for her: Prison.

After she'd fallen unconscious, her parents had panicked and the firefighters checked her over. She had suffered quite a lot of smoke inhalation during the waterfall to control the blaze, her lungs were filled with the stuff despite throwing up the toxins. Rainbow also had some bruises forming on her arms, waist and back of her neck. Unable to answer the cause of these injuries, her parents followed what they suggested and took her to the nearby hospital.

At the hospital, the doctors and nurses had performed vigorous tests on the unconscious pony girl. With no way if asking her questions until she woke up, the medical professionals worked off of reports from Windy, Bow and the firefighters. Rainbow hadn't woken up after her stint in the hospital either and her parents were getting worried. The doctors assured them that everything was normal inside her body however they hadn't tested for magic. Windy and Bow knew that there was no test for such a thing however her mother was certain that something was different in her daughter. What everyone wanted was answers but the doctors informed them that and all Rainbow needed was a lot of rest.

However as the saying goes: 'No rest for the weary.' The police arrived at the hospital shortly after the examinations were completed. They were looking into the causes of this fire after they all had established that it was not an accidental fire caused by carelessness of a household member. However the minute the police saw that it was Rainbow Dash included, they made the move to arrest her. Bow and Windy had protested greatly at their actions which was when Sheriff Sliverstar informed them of Rainbow's charges. Shocked, they told them profusely of her innocence but knew all would have to want until Rainbow woke up. Therefore, they met their daughter get taken to the infirmary at the police station.

Now, about five or so hours after the fire happened, it was evening and Rainbow had just woken up. She'd woken up in chains in a fairly empty room with only a single nurse watching over her. Scared by the chains and the unknown knowledge of her whereabouts, Rainbow began to panic greatly which caused the metal to heat up, expand and combust. The shrapnel flew everywhere and narrowly missed the nurse who screamed and ran for help. Police officers had run into the room with tasers and loud voices that startled Rainbow even more.

Still hazy in vision and mind, she hadn't quite registered that these uniformed individuals were law enforcers. Therefore, she perceived them as well-armed attackers who had taken her hostage and attacked. Well, she tried to and Rainbow was pretty sure that she'd given all of them a good singe before one managed to get to her bed and press a button. What Rainbow had also not seen was the cannula in her arm that connected to a doseage of something. That something was a sedative should something like this occur, just as a protective measure for not even her parents were sure of how powerful she was now. Rainbow was drugged back to a deep sleep immediately.


The next time she awoke, Rainbow saw the very familiar and comforting faces of her parents. Her mum was quietly sobbing into her hands while Bow glanced gravely around her. "Rainbow! Are you okay?" They quickly turned their attention to their daughter as Windy wiped away her tears.

She smiled weakly at them, exhaustion and fear still fighting within her. "I've been better, but I'll live. How are you two?" Her parents looked dreadful, it could've only been a day or two at most but both of them seemed to have aged in decades. Stress lines marked her dad's forehead and her mum's eyes were coated in red. If these last couple of days had been quite bad for Rainbow, they had not been any easier on her beloved parents.

Windy stroked her hair with a loving smile. "It could be better, could be worse, I suppose. We just want to hear everything from you Rainbow first, then we will decide what to do." She lent against her husband who tried to grin at his daughter however she could sense the unease.

Bow cleared his throat and sighed. "The police have also made it very clear that, until any official evidence has been brought to prove your innocence, they want to keep you here. As an inmate. With a criminal record." The words clearly pained them both as Rainbow sat up in slight shock.

"Are they allowed to do that? Isn't it innocent until proven guilty?" She wasn't keen on the prospect of having a criminal record held against her name for life.

Windy wiped her eyes again. "As they have the recording tape that apparently shows you rigging the barn, they have all the evidence they need for now. Even the Apples' testifying for your innocence, the police are considering you a prime suspect." Tears leaked out if her eyes as her voice cracked. Taking ahold of her hands, Windy forces Rainbow to look her in the eyes. "Enough with the secrecy, Rainbow! I want to know exactly what is going on with you!" The anger and hurt in her voice was clear and Rainbow hated herself for putting it there.

Sighing, she knew that it was time to come clean. "Madam Gradient was upset by your refusal to make me take the advanced training. She explained how there were moves and counter moves that had to be made. I didn't know what she meant but I had a suspicion when I woke up. I ran over to AJ's barn where I found dry hay and barrels and crates of apples filled with gunpowder. There was a wire on the floor that would've set it all off. I managed to get in fine but Applejack was out and returned whilst I was in there. She activated the wire and the barn caught on fire. There was nothing anyone could've done. The next thing to happen was with Pinkie, I went to the cafe to see her when the police came in and made the announcement for my arrest. Everything was fine after that when I went to see Rarity and she practically kicked me out. Later, Pinkie found me and was upset by a post I supposedly put up that insulted her drink and gave the Flim-Flam brothers the right to sue. I had not made that post but she was made and tried to tackle me. I dodged and Pinkie fell over the cliff. I flew down to pick her up and used my magic to heal her. Once I had made sure she was okay, I needed to remove the damage of the post so I went to see Sunset. There, she refused to help me and Madam Gradient arrived. I managed to send us both to the Ripple Realm where my powers grew. When I returned, she had vanished and Sunset and I got into a fight. I ran out, Fluttershy texted me to come for a meeting; we had barely begun when I saw the firefighters and the rest is history." Taking a deep breath to resupply her oxygen and let her parents take in this information, Rainbow wondered what they would make of it.

Nodding, Bow and Windy looked at each other. "Okay, well thank you for telling us. We will inform the police if your side of the story. I'm sure that they will have questions for you. As to what happens next, I have no idea." Windy sighed and hugged her husband.

Rainbow looked gloomily at the mess that was her family and sighed. It wasn't fair. The sound of high heels clacking against the marble floor drew the trio's attention to someone entering the room. They all gasped in surprise and anger as Madam Gradient walked over to them. "Good day, Dashes'. I hope we all are well. Forgive the interruption but I think I can answer that last question." With a grin, she winked at them and Rainbow's stomach became filled with a great dread.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I did. Rainbow is now in custody and Madam Gradient has actually showed her face this time. How interesting... I wonder if she will actually help them. I'll probably update again tomorrow however it may be earlier than normal. Until then however I believe it is bye, bye.

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