Chapter 30: Speed

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Well here we are, the final chapter! Yay! I hope you have all enjoyed this story as it has been very fun to write. Before I began to write this story, I had a couple of different storylines this story might take. All of them involved the key plot of Rainbow having more than Equestrian magic and being burdened by it but this particular plot is completely different from anything I imagined. However I'm pleased that I picked this one and went with the flow, it turned out much better than I thought it would. However, let's conclude this story!

It had been a Monday morning when the battle between Rainbow and Obsidia occured. It had been a Saturday afternoon when her adventure began. Like everything in Rainbow's life, it had happened really quickly. In some ways it was funny because Flash had gotten a cold over the weekend and knew nothing of what was going on. When he returned to school on Tuesday, Canterlot High had no lessons on and everyone was helping to clean up the school. There were news reporters, gardeners, builders, dustbin collectors and even government officials present. It was a strange sight when you didn't know what was going on.

Madam Gradient had returned to the village for a day and at first Rainbow was hurt that she hadn't said goodbye. She returned a day later with all of her students to help deal with the mess. Their powers were invaluable in helping to speed up the process and it meant magical work could continue whilst the main seven were caught up speaking to people. Rainbow loved seeing all of her childhood friends again and raced around to introduce everyone to everyone. On the other hand, she absolutely hated all the interviews and questions she was showered with.

Some of her friends- Rarity- absolutely adored the attention and soaked it all up. She tried at every opportunity available to be on camera and was often over the top and exaggerated even the most minor details. Others- Fluttershy and Twilight- tried to avoid the spotlight as much as possible and ran away if someone came near. Applejack and Pinkie used their time on camera to give an honest and upbeat record of what happened and their sides of the story and also, Rainbow realised later when it was aired, to promote their respective businesses. That just left Sunset and herself to actually handle the interviews and attention probably.

Sunset didn't actually need to speak with people that often. She helped others around the school with the manual and emotional labour of the place last few days. Granted, only Monday had involved the students in the attacks but they were still traumatic. Sunset also remembered how hard it was on herself, Snips and Snails to restore even just the front entrance of the school. Nothing else had been damaged but it was horrible and time-consuming. Then it had been a punishment but now it was a team working experience. She had also mind-controlled the entire student body to become her own personal army. That had terrified the students for many weeks afterwards and it was part of her punishment to help students through their fears. It actually made sense if you thought about it why her Equestrian magic was the ability to read minds.

This time around however, there was a giant magical crater in the middle of the school grounds and chuncks of varying size from the frozen goo littered around the place. The colour had thankfully returned to the school after Obsidia was defeated but many of the flowers and grass had die from all the magic. For the students that were frozen with their Rainbows taken, they often found themselves feeling very cold and lacking some of the kindness, loyalty, generosity, honesty or laughter they had before everything. Sunset was always happy to help her classmates with whatever they needed help with.

Rainbow had been surprised with all of the attention given to her little adventure. No other of their magical endeavours had provided this much coverage of it. When she asked the director why everyone was so interested in her story, she smiled. "You girls are well-known for using this pony magic to defeat the forces of evil. I think many people were already planning to come and get some TV footage of you. This time though, a new threat and magic arrived, hidden from one of your own since the beginning. Extremely curious, our viewers are really starting to wonder." The director was a kind enough lady but Rainbow got the impression that she was more concerned with ratings and views than her cast's feelings about anything.

Rainbow did not actually mind asking questions herself or the little informal or unfilmed talks she had with people but she despised the formal stuff. She had to go into hair and makeup which took hours as the prepped her into the glittery girl fit for the camera. It also meant her hair stylists were rather afraid of her hair, but not for the reason she had assumed. Her hair was the 'star of the show' as they said and regardless of any magical properties, woe is them should they damage it in any way. It was utterly exhausting. Her friends often told Rainbow that she had a slightly big ego and often reminded her alongside that to be humble. She was certainly that with all the cameras around.

The Iridescent magic, the village she grew up in, the Colour Gods, Obsidia, that was all stuff Rainbow has been told to keep secret and private. She hadn't shared it's secrets with anyone if they weren't close to her. Therefore, knowing that there were thousands of people ready to hear her spill all of her past, it was absolutely terrifying. Rainbow made a mental note to herself to apologise to Fluttershy for all the times she had mocked her for her seemingly irrational fears. Madam Gradient seemed to be the only one who understood Rainbow's trepidation. One day, about three days after the battle and many things were cleared away and some of the camera people were packing up, Pearl found her prized pupil sat on the edge of the once magical crater. "Hey, you okay?" Her teacher smiled and sat down beside her.

Rainbow folded her legs up to her chest and quickly shook her head. "I don't like sharing all this stuff." She whispered quietly enough that only Madam Gradient could hear.

She sighed and stroked her hair. "I understand, this:" She gestured the many vans filled with filming equipment and crew. "Is why I was very reluctant before I was accepted into the village to leave. I knew that if I made it out of that jungle then they would all be waiting for me. Like you, I am pretty confident in myself but I remained hesitant to spread word of these kind people. Therefore, when I was given the opportunity to stay, I took it." Both girls turned to where laughter came from as the village children and the students of Canterlot High were mingling. "That's why I brought them here, so they could also tell their story." Madam Gradient hugged Rainbow as she relaxed. "You've done a good job Rainbow, remember that."

Rainbow smiled. "Thank you, I just wish I still had my superspeed." That was a downfall to her no longer being super charged.

A thoughtful look crossed Pearl's face as she reached into her pocket. "You know, shortly before all the chaos at the statute happened, I saw something blue and glinting on it." She pulled out a geo like the one Rainbow previously had and gave it to her. "I'm not sure if it will work but-" The woman was cut off as Rainbow hooked it around her neck and a bright blue light expelled from her.

"WOOOOO!" Rainbow yelled as her blue wings and rainbow tail returned. Then she flapped her wings as fast as she could up into the air, only to fall at very high speeds back down again before saving herself with her wings. "Awesome!" She cheered as her friends from her past and present cheered for her. Yes, everything would be just fine from now on for there was nothing Rainbow couldn't handle without her friends right by her side.

I hope you all enjoyed this final chapter of Awesome As I Wanna Be. I've had a lot of fun writing it. My next story will be up after Easter and I am pretty sure it will be a Sonamy or a magical, maybe musical one. Until then, enjoy Easter and your lives. Bye, bye.

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