Chapter 27: The Colour Gods

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Deep within a dark, drab and miserable world sat seven beings. One of flames amber crystals, sunlight, leaves, water, storm clouds and shiny jewellery. Well, they weren't quite that. In truth, that was what their powers related to and their actual abilities were sung in a little incantation Rainbow had sung many times over the course of her adventure. They were the original Colour Gods who lived millenniums ago. Those who were incompetent, lazy fools when choosing Obsidia to be their antithesis. The one they would all defeat to prove they were the stronger ones with more power yet failed because they spent their days sat on clouds. Granted, the Goddess's point of view was biased to them in a negative light but the fact remained that they had failed. All as individuals and as a group.

The place where Obsidia entrapped them was a place that sucked the Rainbow out of them. They had so much Rainbow and colour in them though that a thousand moons later, the Colour God's still had magic to give to their nemesis. She fed off of the magic they siphoned to her when suffering and current Rainbows could not be achieved. In they regard, Rainbow would've been waiting extremely patiently for a very long time for Obsidia's magic to run out and stop powering her mist. It was supposed to be a world, the place of their imprisonment however a large steel, black cage had been fitted around them upon entering. It was an extremely large area that the Gods had been given to rome but it was still an imprisoning cage nonetheless.

Flare, the first of the Colour Gods in general and the fiery colours, was well known for his temper and impulsive reactions. The colour of Red, of rage, anger and passionate love. He had lead the charge against Obsidia and had been one of the first to fall. Since their imprisonment, he had always tried to break them out and for that reason, the other Gods had realised that his power was draining the quickest. None of them had the heart to tell Flare of his fate. Shard was the colour of Orange with the ability to Absorb and Copy. Perhaps the most underestimated of all the available abilities. Her powers were often considered the most random and least useful by the tribes of old. As a result, they often wondered what her purpose actually was. Shard knew that at the height of the conflict, her powers had granted her the use to be able to use the spells Obsidia used to counteract her attacks. She'd bought them a lot of extra time. Celeste belonged to the Sun, Yellow and anything bright and cheery. She looked after the rest of the Gods and made sure that everyone could always see the light and be freed from their fears of the dark. She had been hit the hardest with Obsidia's powers, opposing her powers the most. During the battles, the pair of women often ended up in close combat together and it had weakened Celeste considerably in the years afterwards.

Fern, the Goddess of Nature and anything Green. The middle one. A peace and balance between the raging, brighter colours to begin with and the cooler, darker colours at the end. Green could be both bright and dark which reflected the core of what it represented. Her powers could be thought of as one of the most useful and potentially dangerous. Fern could command any creature that belonged to the air, land or sea. She could talk to the trees and manipulate plants to do her bidding. Her aglitiy was second to none, running along branches and the forest floor at incredible speeds.

Aqua, God of Water and a heart as cold as the deepest depths. On the surface, he was an easygoing, fun-loving hydrokinetic who was like a dolphin. Underneath, he was a shark. A vicious tongue that could beat anyone to a pulp with his words and a brain as sharp as his spear to match. A ruthless fighter. The tribal followers never knew of this deeper, darker side but his fellow Gods knew it all too well. Despite this, he controlled the water and could do anything he wanted with it; thankfully though Aqua was on their side. Zap was in charge of everything storm-related. He could summon the most horrendous of weather to decimate armies. The sky would darken at a glare and the heaviest of rain could fall in a second. Gales that could blow out the most raging of fires created by Flare and tornados that destroyed Fern's forests. Lightning strikes happened with a click of his fingers and thunder boomed for hours. However if people got hurt or killed, Zap would make sure that they were okay. Except Obsidia, Zap was very happy to try and destroy her armies during the heat of battle. Finally, there was Bling the Goddess of Stealing. Her clothes were made of the finest silk and satin with the most extravagant and expensive jewellery. Her powers allowed her to... Obtain whatever she desired without asking. Jewels, food, weapons, clothes, whatever she fancied. This allowed her during fights to gather the perfect object for any type of scenario discovered.

Obsidia saw them for their flaws, their darker sides. It was what they had forced her to do. Their battle was legendary and lasted for many months. Flare led the charge, Shard and Celeste right behind him. They attacked her with all their might, their powers opposing her's the most. Fire that extinguished the mist, ability to copy her soldiers strengths and skills plus the light to cause her shadows to retreat. Obsidia's forces were weakened considerably during the first assault.

Then came Fern, leading the bulk of their armies. She knew that she could probably do some of the most damage to the Goddess of Darkness yet she failed. All Obsidia wanted was balance in the world and humiliation for the seven Colour Gods. While she didn't agree with the latter goal, as the Goddess of Nature, Fern understood the importance of balance. Prey needed to be eaten by predators and predators needed to be hunted by other predators. The food chain could not be disrupted for fear if causing utter and complete chaos that would spread across many different ecosystems with unknown consequences. Celeste was in the stronger league with Flare but she would understand the most about the important of light and dark. However she was not here so Fern had to do. She didn't betray her fellow Gods and made sure to give Obsidia a fair fight but she also made sure to keep her goal in mind. The reason they had chosen an enemy was to keep the balance, if either side one then the precious balance would be utterly broken beyond repair.

Bolstered by the persuasion of Fern, when the final three hit, Obsidia attacked back with everything she had. Aqua, Zap and Bling didn't know what hit them. Their soldiers were destroyed within a matter of weeks until the final stand they had to make themselves. That was when Obsidia revealed her ultimate move. She had been absorbing the Rainbow from the fallen soldiers that lay fallen across the battlefields because Colour forbid that the Gods bring the fallen back to their camp and clutter up space. She had gained so much strength and power that the other Gods had no hope of beating her. They were captured first and when news returned to the final four that they had failed, Flare became angry and demanded an immediate response against Obsidia. He played them right into her hand. Shard, Celeste and Fern also fell like the others but she left Flare standing. Obsidia wanted to make sure he knew that she had beaten him. His choice had beaten them.

She leached the world of colour, looking gleefully on as it became darker and duller. Watched as plants folded and died, water dried and the sky just went plain. Flare couldn't believe what he was seeing. No, they couldn't lose! Good always won! They were the good guys! Summoning the last few dregs of his Rainbow, Flare created the coolest sword of flame and fire. He charged at Obsidia, his goal to rid the world of any Gods to dictate what happened in their lives. She just laughed. Laughed and laughed at the approaching figure before kicking him to the chest and watching the sword fall. Then she merely waved goodbye and entrapped him as well in the dark prison. Obsidia had won then and all the colour and pathetic Rainbow believers would soon be hers. That was until a certain multicoloured girl appeared.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it gave quite a lot of information about the Colour Gods. I have a feeling that there are only a few more chapters until the end. I'll update again tomorrow so bye, bye.

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