Chapter 26

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[I ment to update yesterday, but I ended up finishing the anime 'LoveLess' instead. Oh whale. Here you guys go!! I'M Sorry of it's short!! ]

The moment she made actual eye contact with me, I felt a cold shiver go down my spine. Trust me, she did look pretty and nice, but something about her made my stomach drop. "W-What the hell?" I said and quickly touched my throat, it felt like sore, like I haven't talked in days.

"Your Sabrina, right?," she glared slightly, "I swear, if Nile got the wrong girl..." "I am her," I stated bluntly and glared at her peached colored hair. "What the fuck am I doing here is what I'm asking"

"Just like Erwin said, a filthy mouth," she scoffed, "I don't know what Levi sees in you," Petra said as she put the gar in gear and started driving. "Wait, what?" I asked leaning forward, " What does Levi have to do with this?"

"He has everything to do do with this," she said raising a finger " and that reminds me why your here," Petra said as she stopped the car on a empty street and turned to me with disgust, "Stay away from Levi," I could have sworn the temperature dropped a free digress, "Or else I'll tell everyone y'all's secret,"

It was then that my heart stopped, "Secret?" Petra only smiled, "about Melissa and the Titans of course!,"

My mind and body froze, and I was sure that my face was pale. How the hell does she know? Does anyone else? "How?," was I all I said as I squeezed my fists. "It's something called the internet and knowing people darling," she answered loudly, "if you search up a persons name, many things will come up,"

Her hand reached into a dark brown bag and pulled out a tan folder and a pink phone. "And just to say, Melissa was a very pretty girl. It was really sad that her head got cut," snapping the phone in front of me, there was pictures of Melissa's dead body. "And," she continued as she opened the folder, "I see you were in therapy for 6 years and took rehab for 2," she said with a smirk.

My green eyes widened as my hand flew to my mouth, "how did you get that folder?," I asked softly . "My dad's a cop and loves his little girl," my stomach turned and I gagged as I was about to let the food in my stomach out.

"Not in the car please," Petra sighed and unlock the doors. My other hand flew to the door handle and opened it, letting me rid me of my lunch. After I finished after a while I turned back to her, "Why, if you tell , Levi will go to jail,"

"If I can't have him, nobody can," she said "so just do as I say and no one will find out about your past, " she stated as she kicked me out of the car with her foot ,"it was nice meeting you!" She yelled as she sped off.

It took me few moments before I started crying, and I realized my dress was still in the car. 'I won't need it anyway....' I thought as I pulled out my phone and stared at it.

Turning it on I scrolled through my contacts and stopped a Levi's .

Typing slowly, I wrote

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore....I can't see the person who killed my best friend.

Stay away from me, "

Starting at if for a few seconds I pressed send. Once again I threw away my own happiness so others wouldn't suffer.


'Its better to hurt than to hurt others...'


Red String of Faith (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now