Chaper 6: Help me

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I stared at him for awhile, before even more tears rolled down my cheeks, dripping on my tight covered knees.

The action make his eyes widen slightly, you could only see it if you looked hard enough. It only made me cry more. Which even surprise to me, to be honest.

I wasn't the type of person who cried. The last time I cried was about three years ago when I......never mind. I just haven't cried in forever and that's all you need to know.

Slowly lowering my knees from my face, I turned my gaze to the ground, not wanting to see the jerks face, "What?," I snapped after a few minutes of silence, besides my soft sobs, "You've never seen a girl cry before?,"

I heard some russling from in front of me, then felt a hand jerk my chin upwards. My emerald green eyes meeting sliver blue make me stop crying for a moment, but couldn't help but stare into them.

After realizing my position, I shot my hand out to hit him, only to have his hand catch it midair. Oh crap. 'That's the arm,' I thought, trying to pull my arm away. Even though I had my red jacket to cover it, I was still scared that he was going to see.

No matter how much I struggled I couldn't loosen his grip on my wrist, he wouldn't let go. "W-What are you doing?," I said loudly, glaring at him.

"I looking through reasons why you would be crying…," he mumbled, moving his hand more up my wrist. Closer to it. "There's something called asking, dumbass!," I yelled swinging at him with my other hand.

Yet again he caught it. Damn bastard. With him an all his shortness!

"Why are you crying?," He asked in a stotic voice, his hands still holding my arms. "Why would you care?," I growled up at him,". He stayed silent for a moment, before

her pulled my arm, the arm, upside down and rolling the red sleeve up.

"S-Stop it!," I yelled as I realized were he was going. He stopped suddenly at surrden one bump on my arm. The cut that almost took my life three years ago.

"I care because," I heard his deep voice near my ear, "beautiful girls should do this stiff to themselves," he revealed my other arm showing thin lines that were starting to disappear 'What?'

(A/N: Gomen for the short, and late, update! I have samester exams this week and have had No time to write the chapters out. This chapter goes out to AnimeGirl2000xoxo for letting me know that people were actually reading this!

Well got to get going! Bye!

~Myaa Cx )

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