Chapter 4 : The New Girl in School

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The  next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm playing'Perfect Weapon'. Groaning, I moved to turn in off, looking at the time. 5:30.

Sighing quite loudly, I rolled out of bed, getting ready for the upcoming day. Quickly taking a shower, I changed into the clothes I set out the night before. Deciding not to put my jacket on before I got outside, I slumped it over my arm. Looking at my hair in the mirror, my unnatural blue hair, sighing and straightening it with my fingers.

After braiding a strand and clipping it at the back of my head with a black bow, and giving myself one last look in the mirror, I headed downstairs. When I got there my mother and father were already awake, but I did see Jake anywhere. Idiot was probably still asleep.

"Good morning honey," my fathers voice bombed as he noticed me standing there, looking up from his newspaper for bit. "Morning Papa," I smiled at him walking into the kitchen to my mother. "You sleep well Sabrina?," she asked pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Yes," was all I said as I reached into a bowl on counter and pulled out a ripe, red apple. Pulling out my phone, I checked the time, 7:24. School started at 8:00, so I had thirty six minutes to walk to school, seemed like enough time for me.

"What are you wearing?," my fathers voice interrupted my thoughts. Turning to him I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean," I asked taking a bite of my apple, "It's what I'm wearing for my first day." I stated bluntly. "Shouldn't you wear something, I don't know, something more colorful?' he said gesturing to my outfit.

Scowling at him I snapped back ,"Shouldn't you mind you own business?" "Sabrina! Don't you dare speak to your father like that," my mother yelled, but I didn't hear what else she said as I headed out the door.

Grumbling under my breath I started down the path to my new school. Before I knew it, I was in in front of it. 'Well that was fucking quick,'  I thought as I heard the familiar sound of a motor zoom past me, blowing my skirt up slightly. Snapping my head to the cause, my eyes nearly widened. It was my creepy neighbor riding by on his motorcycle, with his red helmet on, riding into the student parking lot.

'Holy shit! What is he doing here?,' I thought as I started up the steps, pulling my red jacket on my small frame. 'Maybe it's not him! There's probably millions of guys in this school that ride the same black motorcycle and red helmet, right?,' I thought pushing the thoughts of it out of my head.

Now focusing on finding the office, I started to realize that many people were staring at me, or more like my hair. My eye twitched as I heard two girls talking to one another, "Do you think she dyed it? She could look emo or something?"  is what one of the girls whispered.

Deciding to ignore it, I kept looking for the front office, with no success. And only ten minutes before class started. Deciding to ask for help, I tapped a brunette on his  shoulder, waiting for him to notice me. I noticed that he was hanging out with a black haired girl with raven black eyes as well, and a blonde guy (which looked a lot like a girl) with ocean blue eyes.

Once he looked at me, well down of course, I noticed he had ocean green bluesh eyes. "Can I help you?," he asked scratching the back of his head, blushing lightly. "I- um, am new here, you see a-and I can't find my way to the office," I felt embarrassed at how weak my voice sounded, "S-so I was wondering if you could help me?,"

The blacked haired girl glared at me coldly, and I glaring right back at her with just as much coldness. What was her problem? "Um, yeah! Sure no problem, my names Eren by the way. This is my sister Mikasa," he said pointing a thumb back at the raven haired girl, "And this is my friend, Armin," the blond waved at me.

"We can introduce ourselves Eren," Mikasa said with no emotion in her voice. Eren grunted and turned back to me ,"What's your name?," he asked. "Sabrina. Sabrina Wolf," I answered simply. "Well the office is right down the hall," said Armin pointing behind himself, "You should hurry. Don't want to be late on your first day,"

"Thank you so much! See you later I hope," I smiled brightly running past them, gripping at my black satchel. When I got to the office I asked the clerk for my schedule, having to wait for a few moments before getting it.

Rushing out to make it before the bell rang, I made my way to my first class a few minutes early. I had biology for an hour, then algebra next. 'This is going to be a long day,' I thought before the bell rang, making a few students enter the room. I quickly spotted Eren, and waved at him, then seeing Mikasa right behind him. Still looking at everyone emotionally, never taking her eyes of Eren. Damn, she's over protective.

"Hey! Didn't think you would have this class with us," Eren smiled ,"Is that a bad thing or not," I smirked as he sat in the seat next by mine, Mikasa sitting in front of him.  So we were basically sitting in the very back of the classroom, "Hey, were's Armin? He doesn't have this class?." I asked realizing the blond was not near.

"No, he has high up classes unlike than us," Mikasa said quietly. Before I could say anything the tarty bell rang, making me take out my tablet and favorite red pen, not noticing someone come up to the desk until heard a deep voice.

"Oi, brat, get out of my fucking seat," My whole body froze as I heard that voice. Everyone went quiet around us, not a single person said a word.

(Clift hanger.....not really one, but I I guess I was going to update today not like I planned,  yeah! Until next time, Bye!

~Myaa Cx)

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