Chapter 3

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Sabrina POV

The next day went by fast, faster that I wanted it to. The whole day we spent at the mall, getting some clothes for school. It was total harassment! I had to try on dresses and skirts, thanks to my mother.....

We didn't even buy half the things I tried on, only a few band shirts from Hot Topic, some black jeans, and two skirts. One black and one red with a checker pattern design, and some black skull tights.

When we got home I quickly made my way up to my room, putting my clothes away for the next day. New school means having to made new friends, and that was never easy for me at all. My old friend, Durshana, told me that I always gave the vibe that i wanted to kill people.

Pulling on my PJ's, which consisted of gray sweat pants, a red muscle shirt, with my hair in two neat pigtails. It was already 8:00 when i headed downstairs to get some strawberry ice cream from the fridge to take up to my room.

Flicking on the light, since it was getting dark outside, i quickly fixed myself a bowl of ice cream. As I was getting a spoon from the dish washer I heard a motor running from outside, and being the nosey person I wan, I moved over to the kitchen window to see what it was.

Looking outside I saw the same guy from yesterday getting off a black motorcycle, and taking his red helmet off, shaking his head a bit.

I was right, he did have sliver blue eyes, and was rather short, probably two inches taller than me. His hair was indeed black and was styled in an undercut, perfectly neat in every way. I had to admit that he was hot, with him wearing black skinny jeans that fit him perfectly, and a dark blue flannel button down shirt, rolled up to his elbows.

My mouth nearly dropped when I realized that I was staring to long, and I quickly looked away from the window, grabbing my bowl of ice cream, and ran upstairs to my room. Closing the door behind me I walked to my window, sitting on the built in couch. Looking out I saw that the cute neighbor had already went into his own house.

Sighing lightly, I shook my head, wondering why I kept thinking about him. He was just a short, hot, teenage guy that I didn't even know. Not even his name, just his last name, Rivallie. Why did that name sound so familiar? Like I felt I had read about it somewhere....maybe on Wikipedia? I don't remember.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my bedroom door. I gave a weak "Come in," watching the door open to reveal my mother dressed in her own PJ's.

"Get ready for bed, honey. You have a big day tomorrow, better get a good rest," she said and smiled as I grunted.

"Im serious, Sabrina. Get going," she said before walking out, leaving me to get up and brush my teeth in my bathroom. When I finished, I laid the clothes I would wear for the next day.

After a few minutes of trying to decided what to wear, I finally picked out a black shirt with bloody red skulls, my new black skirt with my black tights, and my red laced Vans. Since it might be cool outside the next morning, I pulled out a red laced jacket from the back of my barley re-ranged closet.

'There,' I thought placing my hands on my hips 'So I won't have to do it in the morning,'.

Jumping into my bed I slipped out my phone to see a few texts from my old friends telling me that they missed me, and wishing me a good first day at my new school. Hopefully it would be good. Hopefully.

(A/N: I updated early since I would be taking a test tomorrow, and won't have time to write/type it tomorrow at all so yeah! Chow!

Myaa Cx~)

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