Chapter 24

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Why must people think that every girl on earth loves to shop?

Truth be told I HATE IT with a passion. Like, who enjoys trying on shirt after shirt, and then feel bad about yourself if it doesn't look good or if it doesn't fit?

Well sadly I didn't have ANY say in the matter as both Hanji and Krista practical threw me in every store dressing room that had cute dresses. By the time we reached the 8th store, Lucy started complaining about being hungry, so for some odd reason, Hanji agreed to let us eat.

Yimr and Krista both got McDonalds, Armin and Mikasa got pizza, and Hanji and Lucy got some Chinese food.

Me? Just some simple frozen yogurt. "Sabrina your not hungry?" Krista asked taking a small sip of her tea, "No not really, I had a good," I lied smoothly. Honestly I haven't really been eating ever since the incident. My nightmares kept coming back, and my stomach turned everytime I thought about it.

As that crossed my mind, I slammed my plastic spoon into it's cup. There goes my appetite for the day.

"To bad, but are you going to finish that?," Lucy questioned leaning across the table pointing at the cup of yogurt. Quickly sliding it over to her I smiled, "Enjoy," I chuckled softly. "Score! " she beamed, almost hitting Yimr, and snatched the cup.

"Fat ass...," Ymir mumbled, in response Lucy simply flung the bird to the brunette and happily ate her yogurt. "Well let's go finish finding a dress," Hanji spoke up next to Lucy.

"It many sound weird, but I know a good dress shop," Armin piped up, "it's were Annie got her Military Ball dress from"

"That WAS a beautiful dress!," Krista jumped, "were is it??". Armin smiled "it's all the way in the back of the mall, not lots of people go there, " he stated. Nodding, I ignored how exactly he knew where it was, but simply stood from my chair.


"These are all so pretty!!," both Krista and Hanji shouted as we walked into the small dress store. Smiling I walked to a rack that held short red dresses, only to have Hanji drag me to a near by mannequin. My breath caught in my throat as I stared at the dress.

The fabric was a simple black silk that was long enough to hit the ground, a small slit ran along the right side, intended to show some leg I guess. The top portion for the dress was simple, but had a small Diamond near the breasts. The back had a x that showed the back skin of the mannequin ,and to make it look complete, it had a red ribbon tied into a bow at the lower waist.

"IT'S BEAUTIFUL!, " Lucy squealed as her and Armin tried slipping it off the stand, with Hanji at the register pulling out her wallet to pay. "Wait!  I haven't even I haven't even tried it on yet!" I complained running to Hanji "NO need Sabrina! It'd perfect!, " she stated handing the credit card to the register. "At least let me pay!," I urged but stoped as Yimr covered my mouth, "Shut up and let her do this," she hissed.

"Consider this a welcome back present, " Mikasa commented as she helped Kirista pick up the already bagged dress.

"B-But....," I started but only to have Lucy flick my nose, "Shut up already," she mumbled as she started walking out, and soon everyone followed. Hanging my head I simply stalked behind them, only time catch a glimpse of a happy looking


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