Chapter 5

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Hearing that voice mad a shiver roll down my spine as I looked up at the source. It was him.

The creepy neighbor looking down at me with one backpack strap over his shoulder, with one hand holding it. "E-Excuse me?," I said softly tilting my head.

"I said, get out of my fucking seat," he repeated, scowling even harder. Any harder and he would give himself wrinkles. Looking over to Eren, I could see him with his eyes widened in fear. Why would he be scared of a midget a few inches shorter that him.

Standing up from the seat, I placed my hands on the surface of the desk, glaring back at him. Even though he was a couple inches taller than me, I didn't cower in fear, which many people looked surprised at, "And why should I?," I growled lowly, "I don't see your name anywhere"

Many of the kids in the class gasped in shock, while others just gaped at me, including Eren. "And I don't see yours either, blueberry," he snapped stepping closer. ,"Don't make fun of my hair, shorty," I almost yelled at him.

I must had hit a weak point because his right eyebrow twitched, making me smirk slightly. It suddenly disappeared when he grabbed a fistful of my shirt pulling me closer to his face ,"What the fuck did you just say?," he growled with frustration in his voice.

"You. Heard. Me. Shorty." I said slowly, grabbing him by his own shirt. "Oi, Oi! Levi! Leave the poor girl alone," I heard a female voice from the front of the room.

"Stay out of this four-eyes," 'Levi' grunted making me look to the side, seeing a brunette haired girl tied up in a ponytail, chocolate brown eyes, and glasses. "Levi! Come on, she's obviously new, give her a break," the brunette responded, making Levi grunt and release his grip on me.

"What I thought asshole," I mumbled taking my seat again, totally ignoring the glaring daggers thrown at me by Levi.  "Better watch your back, brat," he mumbled before the teacher came in and told us to take our seats.

Watching him make his way over to the other side of the room, I smirked seeing how easy he was to get to. As class went on, I gotted down some notes, receiving a few notes from Eren telling me how brave I was, making me laugh inwardly.

By the time the bell rang, I was almost the last one in the class, putting my things in my satchel. Before I was able to make it two steps out of the classroom, Levi was there staring at me. "What?," I snapped, blushing slightly at the unwanted attention.

Snarling loudly, he brushed past me quite harshly, making me stumble back slightly. Scowling at his retreating form, I looked back down at my schedule seeing that I had Algebra next.

Sighing to myself I made my way down the hall to my next class. The day started great so far, best day of my life.

--Time Skip: lunch --

The day was only half over and I already wanted to die. After third period I had lunch, so here I was looking for a place to sit with my lunch in hand, walking by some full tables.

"Oi! Sabrina! Over here!," I heard the familiar voice of a certain brunette yell from across the room. 'Damn, he's loud' I thought making my over to his table.

When I got to the table, I saw two people I recognized, but the rest I didn't, "Hey Eren," I smiled sitting next to him. At the table there was a total  of twelve people, including Eren, Mikasa, and Armin.

Mikasa just gave me a nod while Armin just waved at me, the rest of the people just stared at me like I was a goddess or something. "These are our friends Sabrina," Eren said gesturing to the people at the table, "Guys this is Sabrina,"

A muscular blond guy sat in front of Eren, next to him was a tall black haired man that looked like he was going to drown in his sweat, "Yo," the blond man sad as if he was in a daze , "My names Reiner Braun, and this is Bertholdt Hoover," he pointed to the guy next to him. In which he waved at me with a slight smile.

Next to Bertholdt was another blond with baby blue eyes, and looked pretty short, "Annie," was all she mumbled leaning on the table. Feeling someone jump on me from behind, I squeaked in surprise, and looked at the face that was on my shoulder ," I'm Sasah! Nice to meet you," she smiled, she had brown hair like Eren that was tied up, and honey brown eyes.

"H-Hello...," I said shyly feeling a blush on my face, "Oi, potato girl, get off her," I heard a male voice from someone sitting next to Annie, "Shut up you damn horse face!," Sasha yelled at a guy with light brown hair on top of his head and the rest was a dark drown.

Sighing, he looked at me ," My names Jean, and please don't ever call me horse face please," "O-okay...," I said sweetly and gave him a sweet smile, making him blush madly, also making me giggle.

"I'm Connie!" Said a almost bald headed guy sitting across from Annie, "Marco," and dark haired guy with freckles smiled that sat across from Jean. And the very end on the table there were two girls, one small blond with blue eyes and the other a brunette with freckles and chocolate eyes.

"Hello," said the blond smiling at me, "I'm Christina, and this is Ymir," she said gesturing to the brunette, "What the fucks wrong with your hair? Are you fucking trying to bring attention to yourself?," Ymir asked tilting her head

"Ymir! That's rude!," Christina yelled punching the brunette on the arm, which I new didn't hurt.

"No no, it's okay," I said giving a fake smile even though I just wanted to walk away for being judged. "I-I get it a lot...," I stumbled looking down at me lap. "Also what's with the eye contacts? There freaking creepy as hell. You look like a demon or something, and one more thing, why are you wearing so much black? To depressing,"

"Ymir....," Eren warned placing a hand on my shoulder, as tears welded up in my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry...," my voice cracked slightly 'Why am I always judged where ever I go?' I thought.

"And why are you apologizing? Tch...your weak," Ymir mumbled, staring at me bluntly.  "Ymir! Enough!,"  Christina yelled at Ymir when she saw me starting to shake ,"I'm sorry....I'm sorry," I mumbled getting up from my seat, tears already falling from my eyes.

"Sabrina, wait," Eren said grabbing my arm, but I just pulled my hand away and started walking out of the cafeteria.

Walking down the empty hallways, I stopped and leaned against some lockers, sliding down the to the floor. Bringing my knees to my chest, I cried a little more, 'Why am I different?' I thought ,' Why does everyone judge me?'

"Hey, brat, are you okay?," I heard a familiar voice say from in front of me. Pulling my head up I saw Levi standing there, looking at me with his poker face.

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