Chapter 14

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After school Eren did indeed walk me home, and if I had to be honest, it was fun.

He started a small conversation about himself, telling me about how he lost his mother in a car accident, and his father committed suicide due to depression.

Sad as it was, he was happy that he still had his adopted sister, Mikasa. Which suddenly made me understand why she was so overprotective, they were the only family they had.

After awhile it was my turn to talk about myself, me telling him that my father had many job, and was one of the reasons I was here. When I got more comfortable with him I told about my anorexia, but nothing more, and he just smiled and said that I was perfect the way I was. Which of course made me blush madly, and making him stutter that he didn't mean it that way.

It somehow ended with him giving me a piggyback ride on the last block home, him saying it was the least he could do since he hit me.

When he dropped me off at my house, my mother was the first person I saw when I stepped inside my house, asking me all kinds of questions on the 'Very cute boy that was outside' as she said, and 'why did I have a bandage on my face'.

As always I simply ingored her and made my way up to my room, slamming the door shut and throwing myself on my bed. Literally. I looked up at my dark purple healing with my favorite anime posters pined to it. I simply laughed as I thought of what people would think if they knew that I had an Kirito and Asuna Sword Art Online poster.

Quickly sighing I changed into simple baggy sweat pants and a gray hoodie, pulling my blue hair into a bun before I started my homework.

As I was working on my math homework I head a tapping on my window, making me jump slightly, but sighed when I was Levi outside. Jumping off my bed I walked over to the window, sliding it open, but not letting him in.

"What the hell are you doing here Levi?," I asked in a low whisper, hoping my parents or Jake wouldn't hear. "I came to see if you made it home okay," he replied boredly.

"Aw, you do care," I said in a childish voice, "Shut up, just let me in," he mumbled, making me move to the side. He silently slipped in and made himself at home on my desk.

Shutting my window I walked over and sat on my bed, "Are those cartoon posters on your ceiling?," he said with amusement in his voice.

I gasped and threw my pillow at his face, "It's not cartoons, it's anime! ," I yelled, quickly covering my mouth. He chuckled lightly and threw the pillow back at me, "Same thing," he mumbled.

Just before I was able to throw another pillow at him, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and as heavy as they were I could tell it was my dad. He probably heard me yell.


"You have to leave," I whispered getting off my bed and pushing him off my desk chair and near the window. "Woah! Let me walk!," he said as I stared opening the window. A big gust of wind hit me, my long blue bangs flowing by my face, the black curtains flowing as well.

"Come on, he's getting closer," I whispered as he climbed out the window, but stopped before he left.

Slowly turning around, he quickly grabbed my chin and gave me a soft, but rough kiss before pulling back and jumping down, leaving me in a small daze before my father opened my door, scanning my room.

When he looked at me I knew my face was red as a tomato, "H-Hi daddy, please get out, I -I need to c-change...," I lied before I ran over to the door and closed it in my fathers surprised face.

I slowly slid down the door to the floor, tracing my fingers over my lips.

'Did that really happen to me?' I thought to myself.


That this blood on my teeth, It's far beyond dry.

And I've captured you once, but I wasn't quite right.

So I'm telling you that you'll be save with me.


[Konichiwa! Sorry for the late updated, but I've been a little depressed lately, sadly, and so yeah.

I'll try to update tomorrow or the day after that, so please don't hate me. -hides behind rock-

Well, bye, minna!

Myaa~ cx]

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