Chapter 7: Help Me Part 2

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'What?' Is what I thought, snapping my head up at him, getting lost in those sliver blue eyes once again.

"I-I'm not beautiful...," I managed to say with my voice cracking ,"I'm just a ugly, stupid, freak that needs nothing more than to die..."

I started moving again ," I'm not needed here! All people do is judge me and hate me! Nothing more, nothing less!," I screamed at him, as I started kicking my legs and trying to get him off of me. "Stop it....," he growled trying to restrain me, "You'll only end up hurting yourself,"

My body was starting to shake uncontrollably, I was having a panic attack, for the first time in a whole year. 'I'm ugly and useless and stupid!,' I thought as I tried to fight him off of me. "Stop it!" He yelled as I bit his arm, making him wince.

"You are needed here! No one judges you, only yourself! Your hurting yourself!," he growled pulling me into his chest. "Stop hurting yourself...,". I stopped for a second and weakly tried to pull myself away ,"S-Stop it....," I said weakly, not even believing what I said is what I wanted, and I knew he could tell as well. Levi slowly pulled me in closer, soothing my hair, trying to comfort me.

Water rolled out of my emerald eyes, dripping down my cheeks, and onto his black flannel shirt. "I-I'm scared!," I said out of nowhere, "I'm scared that everyone will just throw me o-off to the side l-like a piece of g-garbage…," I mumbled out through sobs of grief.

He tensed slightly, for a reason I didn't know. It was strange that he was even trying to comfort me in the first place. "I-I'm afraid of being a-alone...," my arms slowly wrapped themselves around his torso, lifting my head to meet his gaze, "H-help me...," I whispered, "Your the only person who knows about it! Please d-don't tell a-anyone....,"

His gaze softened for a slight moment before his expression went unreadable again, "I promise I won't tell...," he mumbled coldly, pulling a old white cravat from is jean pocket, handing it to me, "Here, you look like a fucking mess, Tch...disgusting,"

I looked at the cravat not moving to take it. Why was he helping me? 'I'm just a random person…,' I thought to myself. "Brat, take the damn thing," he said flatly until he realized I wasn't going to take it.

Levi sighed, pinching his temples before looking at me again, "Your a damn had full...," he mumbled and brought the cravat to my right cheek, wiping the tears and almost dried eye liner.

My eyes widened slightly at the action, wincing slightly when he scrubbed to get the black eye loner off my skin. "O-Ouch...," I mumbled jerking my head back.

Before he was able to say something, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"Come on," he said standing and pulling me up by my arm with him, pulling my sleeve down. Suddenly I felt a nudge at my sleeve that he had in his hand, looking down I saw that one of red thread from my jacket, caught onto his finger.

We just stood there looking at it while students filled the hallways.

'It was our red string of faith...'

[A/N: Konichiwa! Gomen for the late update, I've been really busy with my end of the year things at my school.

But since it's summer, I'll be able to update even more, I promise!

This chapter goes out to my friend @kawaiixsenpai I love you Josh!!

So please! Comment, Vote, and read! Bye you guys!! Love you all!!

~Myaa Cx ]

Red String of Faith (Levi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now