Chapter 9: Surprised Visitor

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"L-Levi!?!," I nearly shouted at seeing the familiar raven haired man on my balcony, looking back at me.

"Oi, open up it's freaking cold out here," He said tapping at my window again. Nodding quickly I unlocked the window, pushing it up, while Levi slipped under.

Rubbing his hands together to gather some heat, he waited as I closed the window so the winter air wouldn't come in.

"What the hell are you doing here?," I whispered loudly so Jake wouldn't hear me. "I just wanted to see my precious neighbor, is that a problem?," he said looking over my room.

I still had a few boxes with my band posters that I still needed to put up by my bedroom door, next to it was my neatly arranged closet.

I really didn't have much furniture, only my bed with my dark purple covers sprawled over, and my black desk in the corner of my room.

"Yes it's a fucking problem," I said walking over to him and poking his chest, "There's something called knocking on the fucking front door!,"

He rolled his eyes and walked over to my desk, pulling out the chair and taking a seat, "Why would I do that if I could just climb over?," He  stated as if it was the easiest thing the world.

Sighing lightly I sat on my bed, crossing my legs, then looking over at him. "It's called being normal...," I mumbled at him. "Not normal," he said flatly.

"What were you watching?," he asked looking over to my laptop that was still open on Netflix. "Just a show..," I said snapping it closed ,"What show?,"

"What's with the twenty questions?," I said leaning my elbows on my knees. "It was actually one question," Levi said closing his eyes.

Before I was able to say something, there was a knock on my door, "Sabrina, honey?,". 'Shit,' I thought when Levi looked at me questionably, "It's my mother..," I whispered moving my finger to my lips to hush him.

"Y-Yes?," I said shakily, getting up from my bed, walking over to Levi. "Can I come in?," she asked as she started to open the door.

My heart started beating fast as I pushed Levi by my bed and out of my mothers sight, pressing my foot into his stomach to keep him down.

"Y-Yes mother?," I said shyly hoping she would just leave as soon as possible, "How was your first day?," my mother asked leaning against the door.

"I-It was great! I make many friends," I said as she started walking towards me, making me kick Levi, telling him to get under my bed. He growled at me as he obeyed still glaring at me.

When my mother came to me I hugged her, "Thanks for letting us move here!," I stalled, pulling her with me to the door.

"I thought you were mad...," she said sternly, as I pushed her out of my room, "Well I need to change, excuse me," I said slamming the door in her face.

Sighing lightly, I walked over to my bed bending down slightly, "You can come out know," I whispered.

After a few seconds Levi rolled from under, pulling himself up, "Well, that was nice," he joked.

"Shut up and get out of my house," I said pointing to my window, a small smile on my face. He rolled his eyes and opened the window before turning back. "Oi, I going to pick you up tomorrow. Wait outside for me," he said jumping out the window.

"Wait!," I yelled even though I knew it was to late. Walking to my window, I saw that he had landed safely on the ground and was making his was in his house.

"What an I going to do with him?," I laughed lightly.

[A/N: I know this was a shitty chapter, but I'm a little depressed for leaving my friend.

So there might be another chapter today, or one tomorrow.

Well Bye minna!

~Myaa Cx ]

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