Chapter 19

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After the 'incident' of seeing my best friends body, a person walking by heard my screams and came to help.

The damn nightmares had returned after six years ....I had to take so much therapy classes and anti-depressions for two years.

Do the next day my parents had made me stay home from school since it was a Friday, and I wasn't really in the best of health. Both physical and metal to be exact. Small bruses lined down my arms, caused from dad when I tried to fight him to not hold me down. My mind wasn't working a 100% like it was supposed to, many times I tried to sneek out of my room and into the kitchen for a knife.

Since my parents removed every sharp object from my room, I was more egar that anything for the great feeling of bliss. Every time I got to the stairs my mother or Jake would make a commotion and make me gst to bed. Even if it was by force.

All I could do was sit on my dark purple sheets, looking at my lap in a daze. I could practically feel the bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep, and my body going weak from the lack of food.

To be honest I felt like a zombie.

I did nothing, just sat there like a insane person. Just thinking about what had led me here.

All I could remember was what Eren told me.

-Flash Back-

"No! She said she loved him!," Eren said towering over me, "so she has to know everything about him right?," he growled glaring down at me.

"Levi was in the gang Titans when he was younger, and killed many people from all around!," Eren growled ,"he stole from the poor! And I was a victom! The titans....," his hands clenched as he grinded his teeth ,"they stole the money that we were going to use to save my mother....because of them she's dead!,"

My head name.... Titans...

-End of Flashback-

Levi...was in the gang.....the one who took my friend away...and took Eren's mother from him.

Rivialle....! My mind quickly snapped up to my black pillow. Scrambling to it I picked it up and sighed as I saw that my laptop was still there. Opening it quickly I logged in and searched through my history.

Damn it. So many anime pages were open in it. I really didn't have a life.

After  few more moments my eyes widened as my eyes landed on a link. Wikipedia.

No wonder Levi's last name sounded familiar. Rivialle was the last name of the the couple who took those thugs into there house, even changing their names to theirs so they could be a real family.

As I kept reading I noticed that the writer didn't actually used the thugs acutal names. Only their genders, two males and a female. My hand froze as I read the last sentence.

All three were suspected for a family murder eight years ago. They were know to have the last name Ackerman.

At that moment my window started ratiling as someone knocked on it. There was only one person I knew who did that....

Slowly standing from my bed, I felt my legs start to shake, but ingored it and pulled the silk black curtains out of my veiw. As expected, I saw two silver gray eyes peirce through me, "Open up," Levi called, and puff of heat coming out of his mouth due to the cold weather.

"W-what do you w-want...," I questioned stepping away from the window, feeling my eyes widen. "Sabrina," he said with consern in his voice ,"what's wrong?,"

His fingers slipped the window open, after him wincing from the slight pain. "N-No....get out," I stuttered in fear. This was the man who killed Marissa, and he was standing here in my room, "Sabrina please, what happened?," he pleaded, "you haven't shown to school and you look like a mess," he stated taking a step closer to me.

"No!," I yelled as I tumbled back on the floor, dragging myself to the corner ,"Stay away from me....," I sobbed.



[Konichiwa minna! Sorry about this chapter, but I promise this is need for what will happen i'm future chapters.

Also I might update later this week, because I had my phone taken away and i'm using a friends phone for this cx sorry I go grounded from WiFi.....


-passes out cookies-


~Myaa cx]

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