Chapter 11: Pocky

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The day went by fast, and I was now at lunch, letting Eren keep his promise on buying me lunch.

Simply getting a turkey sandwich and a water, I walked with him to his table with everyone. Making sure not to make eye contact with Ymir, I didn't sit down, looking around for Levi.

"Why aren't you eating Sabrina?," Armin asked me suddenly, snapping me back to reality. "A-Ano...I'm looking for someone," I stated as I finally found Levi by the doors, talking to Isabel and Farlan.

"Who are-," Eren started before I gave him a quick, "Sorry, gotta go!," before quickly walking over to the trio. Isabel was to first to notice me, giving a wide evil grin at me 'What is she doing?,' I thought as I waved.

"Farlan! Let's let the couple be left alone!," she nearly yelled, pulling a shocked Farlan away by the back of his collor.

"O-Oi! You don't need to do that...," My voice trailed off as they disappeared behind other students. "Just leave them..," Levi said, speaking for the first time. Looking over at him, I gave a smile, trying to cover my nerves.

"Let's go," he said simply, walking out the noisy cafeteria, leaving me to follow. "W-We're we going?," I asked gripping my sandwich and water bottle. He didn't respond, only lead me down empty halls, then up some stairs.

It finally hit me that we were going up to the schools roof. Sighing lightly, I watched him push open the metal door, placing a textbook in between, keeping the door open.

Walking to the ledge, I looked down, seeing some jocks messing around in the front lawn of the camps. "Oi! Be careful, brat," I heard Levi comment from behind me. "I-I'm not a brat!," I yelled back at him.

The raven hair teen grunted and leaned his back on the railing, taking out a bag of chips from his backpack and opening them. Opening my water I took a sip before I noticed that he was staring at me.

"What?," I snapped at him, feeling a small blush form on my cheeks. He shook his head and offered some of his chips to me, which I declined politely. "So...," I said as I finished my sandwich, unpleasantly eating it,  uncomfortable with the silence between us.

"Why do you hardly eat?," he asked suddenly, "It's like you shoving it down your throat, but you don't want it," His gaze turned to me fully.

Leaning on the ledge I crossed my arms under my chest, "I have to eat it...," I started bluntly, "I used to be enorexic, never eating...," looking over at him, I smiled.

"I used to think I was fat, so I stopped eating, sometimes throwing up the food I did eat," I gave a small laugh, brushing some of my bangs out of my face, "Now that I think about it, I was honestly stupid," I admitted with a soft sigh.

Looking over at him, I noticed that his eyes were glaced, as if he was in a trace,"But hey!," I snapped his out of his dream like state, making him look at me. "The past is in the past, I'm eating again, trying to gain weight back," I smiled slightly.

Surprisingly Levi gave a smile back, making my heart beat really fast, also feeling my cheeks get hotter.

"U-Um...," I said looking for a distraction, then I remembered that I had a sweet in my satchel, "Have you tried this before?," I asked taking a small red box out of my bag that read 'Pocky' on the front of it. Levi looked at it for a second before shaking his head.

"It's a Japanese candy called Pocky," I said opening the box, carefully tearing the bag inside, "Japanese?," he questioned. "Yeah, Japanese, I'm really addicted to the culture," I admitted taking one of the chocolate covered sticks out.

"Here," I said extending my hand to him, he simply shook his head no. ,"Oh come on shorty," I smiled at him, "just try it,".

He glared at me, but shook his head at me again, looking away. Sighing to myself I placed the stick in my mouth, "Your lost," I mumbled, the sweet still in between my lips.

Before I could register what was happening, Levi tilted me head to the side and took the other end of the Pocky stick into his mouth.

My eyes widened slightly as he slowly started nibbling closer and closer to my end, just until is lips were centimeters from mine.

[_ Konichiwa minna! Sorry for the VERY late update, but I've been really busy with Counselling and Psychiatrist appointments.

Also, thank you all for the support you gave me on the last chapter, and for letting me know that people were actually reading this!

Well I have to get to another appointment, wish me luck!


~Myaa Cx_]

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