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Marinette was currently home sulking after yet again another failed attempt at getting Adrien to fall for her or to confess her feelings for him. She was gazing out from her balcony staring at the full, pearl white moon. She sighed as she returned back to her room but was soon cut off by the black knight in leather. She turned around after hearing a familiar voice. But he didn't expect her to be crying.

Chat: Hello my purr-incess..- Wait..What's wrong, why are you crying?

Marinette quickly tried to wipe the tears away replying, 'Nothing'. Chat walked up to her and gently pulled her hands off her face. Her eyes were puffy red and she was sad and upset.

Chat: Please marinette, tell me what's wrong. Who or what made you cry?

Marinette: It's nothing chat really.

Chat: I'm not leaving until you tell me, Marinette.

Marinette looked at him again and sighed as she brought him back into her room. They sat on her bed as she explained everything. His eyes widened in disbelief as he, his other self, didn't notice how she felt about him. He frowned as she began to cry again, the tears welling up in her eyes. Chat pulling into a hug, Marinette was reluctant but hugged back. It felt right... He pulled away and began again.

Chat: Purr-incess, that boy is nothing but a jerk for not seeing you.
I'm literally talking about myself and I'm right.
I'm sorry that he made you cry but you don't deserve this much suffering just because of him. You should probably just give up..-

Marinette: No! I can't..he's..way too important to me to just let go of. I love that boy with all my heart!'re right and it's time to face the facts that he won't ever love me the way I do.

Chat: ...I know how you feel. Today, m'lady and I fought against another akumatized villain and I think I set her off. I did something to annoy her and she snapped at me. But this time it was different.

Marinette thought back to the battle as she remembered it was after she failed to carry out her mission to tell Adrien how she felt. She felt terrible for taking it out on chat.

Marinette: I'm sorry about Ladybug. Being a superhero must be hard. She must have been under pressure or something. The way I saw it was that she really cared for you, respected you as her partner. You should probably try talking to her.

Chat: Bugaboo isn't really the easiest person to just talk to, Marinette. But I guess you're right. I've been relying on her too much and that needs to stop. You give really good advice Mari. Thank you.

Marinette: Thank you too, chat. You really cheered me up. If you want, I could bring up some pastries if you'd like?

Chat: Sure.

About an hour had passed and the two were sitting down talking to eat other eating croissants and macaroons. They were laughing and chatting about their likes, dislikes and all that stuff. Chat then looked at the time and said he should probably get going. Though Marinette didn't quite want him to.

Marinette: Aww man. Do you have to?

Chat: Yeah, I'm sorry Mari. I'll come back tomorrow.

Marinette: But that's ages from now! *groans*

Chat chuckled then jumped on her. Soon after she began to laugh. Chat hid his face in her neck as she struggled to get out of his grip. He tickled her with his soft kisses and his hands down at her waist. That laugh...he loved it. He stopped getting off of her. She got up too, panting tryin to catch her breath. He brushed away her bangs kissing her forehead. She stared at him after he said goodbye leaping out of the trapdoor and onto the roof.

Her face heated up as her kwami Tikki came and asked her about Chat with a big smirk on her face. Her entire face turned red as she hid her face in her pillow. She looked up thinking to herself as her blushing died down. She frowned,

Should I tell him I'm Ladybug? Would he still love me after that?

Chat arrived back home feeding his kwami some Camembert. He flipped onto the bed as he looked at Plagg, reminding himself about the conversation he and Marinette had.

She likes me, huh? Should I tell her I'm Adrien? Would she still have feelings for me after that?

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