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Marinette and her friends were going over to Juleka's house (boat) to set up for their new band for a competition. Marinette started to clear away and pack up the things on the boat and find the instruments and other little details for the video. That's when Juleka's mother, Anarka, walked onto the deck.

Anarka: Lass, what yer doing!?

Marinette: Oh uhh..hi ma'am. I was cleaning..-

Anarka: Oh no, me lass, on the Liberty we are free to do whatever ye want. No rules, no one to tell us what to do. Messy is a trait we have on this ship.

She grabbed the box and dropped it on the ground throwing all its contents out. Then she walked away, leaving Marinette in shock. So instead of packing away some of the things on the boat, she simply rearranged them. She found some stools and chairs for the rest of her friends and herself to sit on while the band practiced. Everything was prepared and ready to go so Anarka walked back out onto the deck towards Marinette and told her to get her son, Luka.

She nodded in agreement. She got up and left. She arrived inside a room but jumped as she saw an unfamiliar boy sitting on a bed, meditating. He slowly opened his eyes and Marinette stuttered out.

Marinette: Oh uhh.. I'm M-M-Marinette and I was told to come get you. The groove..- I mean group is waiting for you.

Luka: Well hello M-M-Marinette. *giggles *

He then looked up at the embarrassed blushing girl and stopped. He apologized then gesture for her to sit next to him. She complied. She sat next to him as he began to strum his guitar. Marinette immediately fell in love with the song, the song that played in her heart. The song had ended and marinette complemented him. She got up and walked over to his pic-rack as she saw her favorite artist. Jagged Stone.

She took up a pic that had him on it to be met by Luka next to her. "You can keep it if you want. I don't mind." He smiled. Marinette smiled back as Luka would interrupt them. "Now we should probably get back to the.. 'groove'.. you said *smirks *" She groaned, "did I really say that..?" He chuckled then left looking at her. Tikki flew out of her side satchel and looked at her.

Tikki: Wow, he seems nice and he actually noticed you.

Marinette: Yeah..I guess. But you know that Adrien is the only one for me, Tikki.

She left placing the pic in her satchel with tikki. She ran back out and sat next to Alya. Marinette gazed upon Luka as Alya would just grin widely. "Looks like Marinette the compass has found herself a new statue." Marinette blushed 50 shades of red.

The next week came around and marinette made up her mind to tell Adrien that she likes him hoping he'd like her back. She met up with him after school and as he waited for his bodyguard she couldn't resist the opportunity.

Marinette: H-Hey Adrien.. umm, I have something to tell you.

Adrien: What is it, marinette?

Marinette: Since the time you gave me your umbrella, I've always saw you differently. I saw you as more than a friend and I really hope you can except my feelings. Adrien, I like you!

There was an awkward silence for a while as marinette would try to speak but Adrien spoke up first.

Adrien: I'm truly sorry Marinette, but my heart belongs to someone else. I can't reciprocate your feelings, I'm really really sorry.

Marinette: Oh it's ok..- I just needed to tell you and g-get it off my chest. It's fine. Hehe..

The pure heart broken girl blinked back her tears. The sky has gone grey with dark rain clouds. Thunder and lighting were heard and seen all over. Adrien's bodyguard arrived and called him over. Adrien hesitantly left after marinette reassured him. He got in and drove off. It then began to pour heavily as marinette would take the long way home walking in the rain, tears falling down her cheeks.

Tikki popped her head out her satchel and spoke, "Marinette, please, you have to go home and dry off. You might catch a cold. Please Marinette!" She pleaded but Marinette didn't respond. She kept on walking as she then walked down, under the bridge where André would sometimes set up. She stood there leaning on the wall as the water drops pittered on the water in the lake.

Tikki once again tried to get her to go home but she didn't budge, the tears still coming down. Tikki was about to fly out when someone called out to marinette. Luka. He pulled off his hood as he ran over to Marinette. Marinette slowly turned to him as he rested his hand on her shoulder.

Luka: Marinette, what's wrong? You can't be out here in the rain. You'll get sick, c'mon let's go back to your house.

She didn't reply nor budge. Luka then understood why she was like this. As his sister is one of her friends, he gets the little details about what each of her friends are up to. "It's Adrien, isn't it?" She frowned but ultimately nodded. He noticed the happy melody in her heart fade away, she was holding back a great burden of cries and responsibilities. He walked closer to her standing behind her and hugged her.

Luka: it's ok to cry, Marinette. I'm here and I hate seeing you like this. Just let it all out. No one is here to judge you except for me, just let it out.

He sweetly whispered in her ear. Her lips twitched as she finally let out quiet wails she held in. At first she probably thought it was a bad dream, a nightmare but it wasn't. Luka tightened his grip as marinette continued, trying to wipe away her tears as soon as they fell. Luka looked around then asked, "If you want, you can come over to my place? Juleka is at Rose's house and mom went out for a bit."

She nodded as Luka took off his jacket and pulled it over them both as the hurried through the rain. They arrived and Luka took her to his room grabbing some towels, drying off her hair after she took out her pigtails. Marinette didn't say a word, she was still getting over the rejection. Luka couldn't stand to see her like this. He loved to see her smile.

Luka: Marinette, please talk to me. Tell me what happened, I can't bare to see you like this.

Marinette: Adrien.. he.. rejected me.. he said he likes someone else. I guess my hopes were too high.

Luka: Well it's not your fault. If he can't see this beautiful, amazing, smart, funny, creative girl in front of him then that's his loss. Marinette you're too good to feel this bad about yourself. You're an incredible girl Marinette; as clear as a musical note, and as sincere as a melody. You're the song that's been playing inside my head since the day we met.

Marinette turned to him as he cupped her cheeks looking straight into her eyes. She looked back at him. Maybe Luka is right, if Adrien can't see me for me then why should I try if he doesn't. And besides.. there's someone standing right in front of me who cares about me since the day we met. They both leaned in and kissed. They broke apart as they looked at each other.

Luka: Marinette, I really like you. I know we haven't known each other that long and there's still a lot I don't know about you but.. Would you.. like to be my girlfriend?

As shocked as she was, Marinette replied.

Marinette: Yes.

Maybe André was wrong about me being with Adrien. Luka truly understands me and genuinely likes me. But I hope when the time comes, when he finds out my secret, he would still accept me for me, and not the mask.

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