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*sigh* My class and I were currently on a field trip in Gotham to the Wayne enterprise building thanks to me, But Lila took all the glory. Thanks to her, all of my friends have left me to go over to her side so now I'm totally friendless with the exception of Chloe, Kagami and Luka but those two were unfortunately not on the trip. We arrived at the building and separated into 5 groups; Mr. Wayne, Mr. Grayson, Mr. Todd, Mr. Drake and the young Wayne, his son.

We split up as I was in the group with the young Wayne. I strolled behind the group as I kept my head down. And unfortunately, Lila, Alya and Adrien was in that group. But I was with Chloe. We looked totally unbothered by the tour and the information. Like why are we even here..? About an hour later of Lila trying to flirt with the tour guide we finally made it back to lobby where everyone else was gathered.

I told Ms. Bustier I wanted to use the bathroom and Chloe volunteered to go with me. We went and came back. And to no surprise, they were gone. Chloe groaned as she sat down on one of the chairs. I went over to the counter but then a head shot up from behind. It was one of the Waynes. Jason..was it?

Jason: Well Hey there, pixie. Weren't you the one that won the trip for your class?

Marinette: Yeah. Mind telling me where they went?

Jason: Yeah, they left to catch the flight back home. Lemme guess, they left you?

Marinette: You're a genius. Anyways thanks.

The young bluenette sat down next to her friend. And told her the news. She rolled her eyes about to call her father when Mr. Wayne stood in front of us. He looked rather surprised to see us there.

Bruce: Miss, Dupain-Cheng. Mind telling me why you're still here, you too miss Bourgeois?

Chloe: Our class of miscreants left us. I was about to call daddy..w-when...

Her cheeks began to turn pink so I traced her eyes and found she was staring at one of the Waynes as he was also staring back with the same face. I smirked then nudged her.

Marinette: What she means is that our class left us and we have no where to go for the time being.

Bruce: Well, I don't see why you can't stay with us. Boys, let's go. You too, ladies.

I grabbed Chloe by the arm and pulled her along outside to see a long black limo waiting out front. We both got in with the Waynes and they drove off. In the next few minutes we got out the vehicle to see a huge mansion. Chloe's jaw dropped as she followed behind. Why do I feel...cold..? I followed them in being the last to enter as the butler would close the door behind me.

He was then introduced as Alfred before showing us to our rooms. There were spar clothes, towels and lots more. Oh and I forgot to mention, Chloe, Kagami and Luka all know that I'm Ladybug and that I'm the Guardian. They were surprised, but ultimately supported me. I got in my temporary room and walked over to the bathroom. Nice. I went to take a nice hot bath as Tikki would eat the cookies left by Alfred outside on the table.

About 10 minutes later, I came out dressed in a hoodie and joggers. I pulled out my phone but, it was dead. I opened the door and saw Dick passing by. I called him over.

Marinette: Hey, Richard.

Dick: Hey blueberry. What's up?

Marinette: Is there possibly a phone I could borough?

Dick: Yeah, right this way.

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