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I wanna thank @Daminettelover4life for this idea for the story. Thank you and I hope you all enjoy it! Bug out!!

Hawk Moth: Yes! I've finally won, The Miraculous Are Mine!

Adrien: Marinette..Marinette! Please wake up! Father you have to see that this wrong.

Shadow Moth: Adrien, I'm doing this for our family.

Adrien: No! You're only thinking of yourself! If you were then Nathalie wouldn't be sick and unconscious and Marinette wouldn't be here hanging onto her life! If you don't stop this, then you're no longer my father!

Shadow Moth: You will change you mind once you see your mother again.

The villain combined the miraculous of creation and destruction. Adrien held Marinette in his hands, hugging her tightly. Her breathing was slowing down, blood streaming down her head. Hawk Moth was ready to make his wish. Everything turned white and shone brightly. Everyone, and everything disappeared before him. Next thing he knew, he was waking up in his bed. He got up and went downstairs.

And there before him was his once unconscious wife, Emily. She ran up to him and hugged him, kissing him good morning. She pulled him along to the table and Adrien sat down on the far end. Once he saw his father, he glared at him, taking his meal up to his room closing the door. Emily then sat him down in his usual seat and soon brought him his breakfast.

Gabriel: Thank you. I-Is Adrien ok?

Emily: Yes..He's fine. Just cranky.

Gabriel: Where's Nathalie?

Emily: ...Who's..Nathalie?

His eyes widened at her response. He rested his cutlery down on the plate, getting up and going upstairs to Adrien's room. He opened the door and found him playing his foosball game by himself. He slowly turned and frowned once he saw him. "Adrien, where's Nathalie?" Adrien got mad and walked over to him. "You don't remember? She's gone." He was shocked. What did he mean by that?

He left walking out of the mansion. "Honey, are you ok?" He turned around to see his wife standing behind him worried. He held his head as an intense ringing. He fell to the ground as Emily would help him up. It stopped and then he noticed it. The peacock brooch on her chest. He quarried. "Emily, where did you get that brooch from?" She looked at it as she rose a brow.

Emily: Gabriel, are you ok?

Gabriel: Answer me. Where did you get that from?
Last thing I remember was that Nathalie had it.

Emily: Gabriel, something's not right. We bought me this brooch for our anniversary. And I bought you that one you're wearing. It's a matching set.

He stared down at the floor, confused, overwhelmed..and a bit scared. His only son hated him, Emily was back but changed...And most concerning to him, was that Nathalie was missing. What did he mean by she was gone? "Where's Adrien?" Emily smiled as she said, "Why, he's going out with his girlfriend, Lila. You matched them together, Gabriel. You've also arranged for them to get married when they got older."

What about..Marinette..? he thought. She carried him back to their room and told him to take a shower to get ready for the day and maybe it'll help him calm down. After the bath, he walked out, got changed and found Emily outside waiting for him. She told him she had a surprise for him. He rose a brow as he followed her downstairs to his office. The room went static for a bit, switching between light and dark.

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