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Let's pretend that Master fu gave that the miraculous since the beginning so it was always like this, k.
Oh, and Adrien is in Marinette's bakery while she is in Adrien's mansion.
Ladynoire ❤️ Mr. Bug
Adrien ❤️ Marinette

Just another finished battle against Hawk Moth's akumatized villains. "Pound it!" the two superheroes said. They began jumping away off towards the Eiffel Tower.

Mr. Bug: So, what did you want to tell me kitty.

Ladynoire: I was just wondering if you were free tomorrow.

Mr. Bug: Is this another one of your candle lit dinners on a rooftop?

Ladynoire: No... of course not.

Mr. Bug: C'mon, you know I like someone else.

Ladynoire: Well..have you told that person you like them? Have they reciprocated your feelings? Does she even like you?

There was silence as the anger in the heroine's eyes died down. "I-I'm sorry Mr. Bug. I'll leave you alone now." She launched her stick out and left. Mr. Bug stood there as he replayed what his partner said. He sighed, swinging off back home. He flopped down onto his bed and sighed as he looked over at his kwami.

Adrien: Do you think Ladynoire was right, Tikki?

Tikki: Maybe just a little. You still haven't confessed to Marinette yet. Maybe you should give your kitty a chance, who knows, you might actually fall for her. *giggles*

Adrien: *sigh* I'll think about it. That reminds, Marinette has a show tomorrow with the new clothing line she just created. She invited the entire class..Including Me! I've gotta plan for it.

Tikki watched as her holder ran around the room in search of something to wear in front of his 'princess' tomorrow. As for the princess herself, well...

Marinette: Plagg! Stop touching the dresses, you'll ruin them with the smell of your stinky cheese! Don't mess it up!

Plagg: This one needs more black and that one needs more blue.

Marinette: You're just trying to make it Ladynoire themed. The theme is 'Flowers' you cheese addict.

Plagg: So boring..

She finally managed to grab the kwami until there was a knock at the door. She released the kwami as her mother entered the room. "Marinette, I'm here to check up on your progress." She moved aside, "Yes mother."

The next day of school arrived and the first to meet Marinette as she got out of her limo was her bff Alya.

Alya: Hey gurl, have you finished your new clothing line?

Marinette: Yup just finished it before dinner.

Alya: I can't wait to see them later at the show. Adrien's coming too~

Marinette: Yeah..I know..I invited the entire class.

Alya face palmed as her boyfriend and his friend Adrien arrived and walked up to them.

Nino: Hey dudettes.

Alya: Hey you guys.

Marinette: Morning you two.

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