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The happiest time of the year has finally arrived. Christmas. Today was the last day of school until they were out for vacation. There were no classes and they simply enjoyed themselves exchanging gifts, pastries, chatting. But the only person who didn't give nor really received gifts was Chloe. She had only gotten one gift from Sabrina and one gift from Marinette.

And in return, only gave Sabrina a gift. She sat next to her the entire time and yet no one came around. Adrien finally showed up with a bag filled with presents. He shared them out and when he came over to Chloe's seat, he gave her one. And of course, Chloe gave him one as well. "Merry Christmas Chloe." "Merry Christmas, my Adrikins!" she replied.

Ms. Bustier got to class with Nathaniel following behind, bringing gifts for her students. She gave them out as they gave her gifts too, including Chloe. They all returned to their seats. Nathaniel came around giving out his customised cards for his classmates. It's painfully obvious that he didn't make one for me.. she groaned, pouting.

Sabrina got one and hid it from her desk buddy but Chloe didn't really care. No one's really around with her for Christmas except for Sabrina and her butler, Jean 'something'. Nathaniel just walked up to her and told her to meet her after class. She rolled her saying "Whatever.." and he walked away.

(Doesn't Nathaniel look like Ms. Bustier's son? Tell me what you guys think)

School ended half day and everyone went home. Nathaniel asked Chloe to stay back and as such, Chloe shooed Sabrina away to go home and enjoy her Christmas. Nathaniel dug in his bag to find the card he made for Chloe. He gave it to her and she was honestly amazed. He then said wait as he also had something else for her.

Chloe: Wait..- W-Why would you get me something? I haven't even gotten you anything..-

Nathaniel: Because Chloe, everyone deserves to give something to someone else. I don't need or want anything in return. It's fine, really.

He showed a little blush on his cheeks as he removed a wrapped box from his bag. She herself blushed at how beautifully wrapped it was. He gave that to her along with a drawing he did of Queen Bee. She was awestruck; so detailed and it looked exactly like her. He finished packing his things getting ready to leave. He stopped and turned around to look at her.

Nathaniel: Y'know Chloe, you aren't as bad as people make you out to be. You're honest, self spoken and genuinely a nice and caring person at heart. And I just want to say that..I..I-I really like you..a lot. I have for some time actually, ever since you saved me as Queen Bee from that akuma a while ago. I just wanted you to know that.

Nathaniel got his bag and a whole face of blush and began walking out the classroom. "W-Wait..!" she yelled. He turned around and she stood in front of him for a while, him waiting patiently.

Chloe: I-I just wanted to say..T-Thank you for getting me all of this when I didn't really need it. A-And I'm sorry for the way I've treated you over the passed few months of class. I'm g-grateful for what you did for me..

Nathaniel: It's ok, no need to thank me. It's Christmas. Everyone deserves at least something.

Chloe: Then I know what I should g-give you in return..

Nathaniel: I-It's ok..- You don't need to..- hmph!

The young blonde kissed the tomato head. And coincidence, hanging from the roof of the door frame, was a mistletoe. She pulled away before he could react, blushing a deep red. "I think I like you too.." Nathaniel gave a shy smile. He gently took her hand, pulling her closer as he kissed her cheek.

He exited the classroom as he left Chloe staring aimlessly at the door. She hurriedly packed her things, the gifts too, and rushed out the classroom and jumped right into her limo. Night came and she still couldn't forget what happened, she couldn't sleep a wink. She was embarrassed, overjoyed..and a bit concerned that she would mess everything up.

But it's Christmas for crying out loud. She just has to believe.

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