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After Adrien and Marinette got together after Shadow Moth was defeated, this left Kagami and Luka alone without a companion. Of course they all broke up before this even happened. So Marinette and Adrien were going out and decided to invite all the couples, including Luka and Kagami. They all were invited to the cinema to see the latest movie that just came out.

The couples sat together which left Luka and Kagami (Chloe didn't come) to the back. And to Marinette's dismay, it was a horror movie, looks like someone bought the wrong tickets..*cough cough* Alya. As they were at the climax of the movie, Marinette jumped on Adrien squeezing him tightly, Alya and Nino and Alix and Kim and Ivan and Max laughed, the rest of the girls simply screamed or smiled.

They were the only ones in the room as Adrien booked it for them. Luka and Kagami simply sat there, Luka chuckled at some moments as Kagami just sat there. "You find this funny?" she asked. Luka nodded with a smirk, "You're shaking, Kagami. Are you scared of this kiddie show?" She turned to him jokingly offended. "No I'm not. But I must admit my bones are rattling with such fear at those insects on the screen."

The two giggled quietly and continued eating their popcorn. The movie got more intense and some of the bold actually got scared. Marinette still hasn't raised her head from Adrien's chest and so did some of the other girls. Some of the boys hid their heads in the hood out arms. The only ones standing were Luka, Alya and Alix. One of the actors were just sliced opened and Kagami actually grabbed onto Luka am.

He blushed a little, smiling. "And I thought you weren't scared." He chuckled as Kagami pouted. She never let his arm go. The movie ended and they all exited.

Alya: That was amazing!

Alix: I wanna watch it again!

Marinette: Because of you two, I've now developed an irrational fear of alleys and church graveyards.

Rose: I'm never coming back here with you guys ever again.

Everyone: Agreed.

Luka: Ehh, that show was only for big kids, you guys couldn't stand it.

Kagami: At least you guys didn't have to deal with him giggling and laughing during the entire movie.

They all walked out and saw that the ice rink wasn't too far away. They went over and took out onto the ice. Everyone skated circles around each other and honestly enjoyed themselves. They all took a break when Marinette and Alya came up with a plan for the two extras. And luckily, Marinette was wearing a scarf like accessory. They all got back out on the ice and waited for the two to join them.

They were at the center of the rink as everyone crowded around them. They stopped and Marinette and Adrien wrapped the scarf around them before they could react. They were tied together. "Good luck you two. *grins*" The two stood there blushing while everyone giggled skating around them. They tried to untie themselves but they couldn't. Adrien and Marinette returned to them.

Marinette: Sorry you guys but we couldn't resist. But I must admit, you two would make a great couple.

Adrien: You complement each other pretty well. We'll untie you now.

Luka: Gee thanks..

They untied the scarf and they immediately separated. Marinette giggled at their reactions then skated away with Adrien leaving the two alone. Luka apologized but Kagami didn't even mind, still having a little blush on her freckled cheeks. She then left the ice as Luka tried to comprehend What just happened. Her changed. He followed her as she was removing her skates getting ready to leave as she got a message from her mom.

He asked where she was going and she replied that her mom was on her way. He also took off his skates and caught up with her before she could leave. She got outside as her car was almost there as she could see it making the corner.

Luka: I know it's just a harmless prank but you didn't need to fake that call to get away.

Kagami: Ok so I did make that fake call. Either way, I need to practice my fencing.

Luka: You're embarrassed. But no one there will judge you. You think that those things, a relationship with a 'slacker' like me would make you weak..-

Kagami: I never said..-

Luka: No you didn't, but I can hear it in your heart. Your melody changed after you left the rink. I recognized it.

Is it that your scared of falling in love again after what happened with Adrien?

Kagami: That's None Of Your Business! So what if I am!?

Luka hugged the girl tightly as her cat pulled up next to them. "I feel the same after Marinette's and I broke up." He didn't want to but Marinette is happier with Adrien than she will ever be with him. He realizes that now. Kagami hugged back, "I miss him but seeing those two together made me see that there is happiness when there is sad." They broke apart as they would now look at each other.

Luka: They were right about something.

Kagami: What's that?

Luka: That we'd make a great couple. We sacrificed our love for their love. That says something about us does it not?

Kagami looked down before going over to her car opening the door. She smiled turning to him. "Thanks Luka, that helped." Luka walked up to her, pulled her chin up and kissed her cheek. She was surprised but then looked at him with a grin. "That was the love scene from the movie you big tease." He chuckled as she pulled him by his shirt closer to her and kissed him passionately.

He pulled her waist closer to him closing the gap and kissed back. They parted. Kagami got in her car and Luka shut the door closed as she drove off. Looks like I have a new song to write.

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