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Recently, Ladybug's been developing feelings for Cat Noir. He's been acting differently towards her as well, more mature, thinking of ways to defeat Shadow Moth, even offering some advice to her as the new guardian. And his occasional puns and jokes here and there to make her laugh. He's been there for her and the more he got closer to her, the more she fell in love.

Marinette: Tikki, I can't forget about Adrien But Chat..he's..he's been so nice to me recently and it seems that I'm drifting away from him, Adrien.

Tikki: Marinette, Chat has been there for you more so than Adrien has. I think you should give it a shot. It might even be worth your while.
I can't tell her that Adrien is Chat, she'd flip out.

Marinette: I guess so, after all, Chat's been wanting this since the beginning. Might as well give him a go, right?

Tikki: That's the spirit, Marinette.

The next day rolled around there was yet another akuma attack. Lucky Charm! Ladybug and Chat fought valiantly against the villain but that all took a wrong turn when Chat took a hit for Ladybug. He fell to the ground unresponsive. The villain cackled as the moth symbol was seen on her face. Ladybug got up resting Cat Noir down gently and walked towards the villain, pissed.

Villain: Aww, what's wrong bug, cat got your tongue. *cackle* Your next anyway.

Ladybug: You're. Going. To. Pay.

Ladybug swung her yo-yo around and launched herself at her and within minutes she had captured the akumatized object as a pretty black butterfly came out. Nooo! She de-evilized the butterfly as threw up her lucky charm even though she didn't really need it. Miraculous ladybug! Everything went to normal as she rushed over to Chat. She bent calling his name a few times before his eyes fluttered open.

Chat: W-What..what happened? M'lady?

She jumped on him, hugging him tightly as they fell over. "Oh cat, don't ever scare me like that again! You had me worried out of my mind, I thought you were dead!" she rambled on. Chat chuckled a bit and jokingly said as he thought she was just playing around or something. "M'lady, you know a villain can't get rid of me that easily. We cats have nine lives and..-" But she cut him off.

Ladybug: Chat, I'm serious! I could've lost you, don't ever pull a stunt like that again! I can't find another suitable Chat if you were to..t-to...

He heard a little sniffle and her voice cracked a bit at the end. He pulled them both up from the floor and gently removed her from him. She was crying. His eyes widened in shock, he couldn't believe his eyes. He cupped her cheeks wiping away the tears that fell from her eyes with his thumbs. He gave he a soft smile bringing her forehead closer to his.

Chat: I'm so sorry bugaboo for worrying you like this. It wasn't my intention, but Paris needs Ladybug more than Cat Noir. I'm sure you could've found someone else to temporarily replace me until I came back. But I have to say that I can't promise you that. I'll be here to protect you until the very last day that's because I lo..-

But he was cut off by a pair of lips on his. Ladybug's. He sat there stunned for a while before giving in. Their lips matched perfectly together as Chat pulled her closer to him. He pulled away for air but Ladybug brought him back in, cupping his cheeks. Wait, does me back...? he thought. He kissed back then Ladybug stopped and pulled away, Chat blushing hard.

Ladybug: D-Did you just..purr?

Chat: W-What..Pfft..- no. How could I? Hehe...that impossible..

Ladybug: I'm really sorry for doing that..I-I was just..- never mind. Get some rest Chat, see you for patrol tomorrow..-

Chat: Wait, Ladybug! You can't just leave after doing that!

He caught her, grabbing her wrist holding her back. This is what I wanted..right? I mean, I did promise Tikki I'd give it a try. But now, I'm not so sure. What if he doesn't believe me? she rambled on in her head. She tried to break free, pulling her hand away but Chat gripped it tighter. He yanked her around and her eyes were filled with anger and rage as it met Chat's. She yelled at Chat to let her go as she raised her hand at him ready for a slap.

Chat grabbed it and forced her back pinning her against a wall. He demanded an answer from her and she just blurted everything out from the overheated moments and questions being thrown her way. "BECAUSE I THINK I LIKE YOU! NOT AS MY PARTNER BUT MORE THAN THAT! THE WAY YOU SEE ME! I LOVE YOU!!" she admitted. She panted as Cat Noir released her as she was slowly sliding down to the ground.

The cat's cheeks were red but he frowned once more as he looked upon Ladybug sitting on the ground. He took a deep breath then began once again. "I'm sorry M'lady for pushing you like that. It was very selfish and rude of me. I should've respected your space and trust that you'll tell me when you are ready." She looked up at those soft, caring emerald green eyes and she sighed.

Ladybug: Lately, I've been feeling a 'connection' between the two of us. I realized that I was falling in love with you. I couldn't deny it. I told my kwami about it and she said I should give this relationship a try to see how it works out.

Chat: What about..the other like..-

Ladybug: He's..he's too far out of my reach. He's better off as my friend than my companion. I just opened my eyes to the bigger picture and there you were. If you think I'm just joking around, I'm not. This is from the sincerity of my heart, I would never lie to you, kitty. I really mean all of it.

Chat: *grins* I've been waiting a long time to here you say those words to me. I think I've fallen for you again, bugaboo. I love you, m'lady, I always will.

Ladybug: I love you too, Cat.

He then pulled her in for yet another kiss. This one was different, this one was more passionate and less demanding. It was like electricity running through their veins as they felt the sparks between them. They parted as Chat helped Ladybug up and they left as Ladybug was on her last spot.

Weeks had passed since the two began dating. They were meeting up for patrol today. Cat Noir was a bit early so he sat on a little roof upon the main rooftop of a building. 🎶Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady🎶 he sang to himself. That's when a pair of hands covered his eyes as he heard a familiar sweet voice. "Guess who?" It asked. He chuckled as he called out her name.

She jumped down in front of him. "Ready for patrol, kitty cat?" She quarried the Cat with a smirk. "Sure, m'lady. But first, I need to recharge my energy." He grinned as he pulled his partner in for a kiss.

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