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Marinette has known Jason for a while, ever since he saved her from a bully in middle school. They were now attending the same high school. And Marinette was about to crack the code on whether or not Jason is Red Hood and his family is the batfamily. She has a few hypothesis like the two were never in the same place at the same time, they're all fit and have hunk-a-licious abs and muscles and have money in order to fund their gadgets.

(There's no Ladybug in this one) She was on her way to school when Jason jumped behind her, scaring her half to death. She screamed as her phone flew in the air. Jason caught it before it could make contact on the ground. He gave it back to her as she would slap him hard. They arrived at school and then separated to go to their classes. Jason was two forms higher than her yet Marinette's intellect was above his.

She was smarter, more agile and she knew self defense and a bit of combat thanks to Jason. Another reason why she suspected him in the first place. School ended and she realized that Jay wasn't out yet. That's strange.. A few minutes later he made it out waving his friends goodbye walking up to her.

Marinette: Gee, what took you so long?

Jason: Uhh...homework..

Marinette: I'm not stupid, you dumb-fart. C'mon, let's go.

They were walking over to the mansion and guess what. By no surprise, she's Jason's tutor and Bruce pays her to do it. They entered as Alfred met them at the door. They went upstairs to his room and began. Once they were done, which was about 3 to 4 hours later, Marinette took her leave. But with a master plan in mind. She scanned the building and mapped it out. She was gonna catch them redhanded.

Alfred closed the door behind her and she immediately ran over to the spare bedroom, climbing in through the window. She got in waited, sitting on the floor. She plugged in her earphones and watched videos on Netflix and YouTube. Ok, in the next 2 hours, they're supposed to be back from patrol. *sigh* She waited for them to return. 5 minutes to go. Alfred's on his way down to the so-called batcave in 3..2...1..

She was on the move. She quietly left the room and went into Jason's room upstairs, sitting upon the couch in the mini living area. She heard footsteps getting closer and closer and the door opened. The lights were then turned on. The boy's jaw dropped as he was still in uniform and his hood in hand. His eyes widened as he immediately shut the door running up to her. She stared at him blankly.

Marinette: So, I was right all along. I knew it.

Jason: You're Not Supposed To Know!

Marinette: Well..You did a sh*tty job of hiding it, Jay.

Jason: How long have you known?

Marinette: For the past 3 months.

Jason: Oh sh*t..nononononononononononono... This is bad..

Marinette: I won't tell, but I wanna know..
Why didn't you tell me?

Jason: I didn't tell you because I didn't want you in the mess. Now you're a target if the enemies know about you. I never wanted this to happen.

Marinette: I'm fine, I can protect myself. It's you I'm more worried about. That shot you took the other patrol..not to mention the bruises and cuts too. You were slow and very weak today. You were almost limping. A friend can tell these things.

Jason: *sigh* You caught me.

He took a seat on the edge of his bed removing his jacket, he winced in pain. There were bandages wrapped around his arm with red seeping through. She sat next to him gently lifted his arm. "Did you not stitch it?" she quarried. He shook his head. She groaned in annoyance at his stupidity, getting up and going to his bathroom. She got the first aid kit and the stitching needles and prepared it.

She asked him to removed his shirt part of his uniform in which she helped him with and realized he had a wound on the right side of his stomach. She glared to him as he wasn't taking care of himself and somehow slid past his family about it. She took a deep breath as she was trying not to smack the boy and started off with his arm. He stayed as still as possible but groaned and twitched a bit. "Would you stop acting like a baby and stay still."

He rolled his eyes and she continued. She packed it away as she was done then moved onto the one at the side of his stomach. She went on the other side of the bed and asked him raised his arm up so she could stitch it properly. She cleaned it up first and then began. Half way through the stitching the door opened and Bruce stood there for a while before coming in. Marinette didn't care and continued.

Bruce: So..she knows?

Marinette: What if I do? You'll kill me?

Bruce: No of course not. I'm more upset with you Jason.

Jason: Whatever.

Marinette: I'm mad at both of you. Bruce, as his father figure in life, you need to take more responsibility for him. You hadn't patched up his wounds and he scars all over his body that clearly won't go away. And Jason, you need to let people in. They aren't trying to break you or make you feel weak. You two are the same in some ways and that pisses me off.

She finished stitching and cut off the excess string at the end. She walked over to the bathroom to get it all cleaned up. She returned to see Bruce leaving and Jason standing up looking at him leave. She walked over to him as the door closed. "So.." she asked waiting for an answer. He sighed resting his hand on her head. He gently rubbed it, turning hers to face his, their foreheads on the other.

Jason: Nothing..Everything's Fine, pixie.

Marinette: You haven't called me that in a while. Now I know you're not ok. I don't want you to keep things from me, Jay, That's not how this relationship works.

Jason: *grins* What relationship, pixie-pop?

Marinette: Now I know you're just flirting with me. Remove yourself.

He chuckled as he released her. She went over to the couch, picking up her bag and was about to leave when Jason pulled her back. He gripped her wrist making her stop. "Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for patching me up. I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have a girl like you in my life." She turned around now fully facing him and smiled as he removed his hand from her wrist and cupped her cheek.

Before she knew it, he had kissed her. Marinette's eyes widened as her cheeks turned a light pink. Her hands made their way up to his bear shoulders, pulling herself up while his hand wrapped around her waist. Marinette pulled away as she booped Jason's nose waving goodbye. "We both know you would've gone too far, you were basically asking for it." She left going down the stairs and out the door.

Jason flopped back onto the bed looking up at the ceiling with a lovesick smile on his face. He squealed happily as he replayed the kiss in his head.

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