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Today was Adrien's birthday. Everyone surrounded the poor model boy telling him 'happy birthday' and giving him gifts. Marinette couldn't get close to him, Lila and Chloe made sure of that if the crowds and fans didn't. Marinette sulked as Alya comforted her. She even had a present all wrapped up for him. She mentally cried. School ended and Adrien had to leave for a photo shoot and Chinese lessons.

His father wouldn't even give him a break, not to mention the gorilla having to carry all those gifts everyone's been giving him. After his 2 hour long photo shoot, the gorilla brought him back home for his online Chinese lessons. 1 hour of that and his father sent word through Natalie that he must practice his piano. His father never said happy birthday nor saw or spoken to him. Only Natalie did.

He went up to his room and flopped on his bed, his kwami coming out to talk to him.

Adrien: Plagg, do you think...father still cares about me or if he even remembers my birthday?

Plagg: Well kid, all I can say is that your father hasn't changed one bit. But I, on the other hand, have a present for you.

Adrien: Really? Plagg you didn't have to.

The kwami flew over to the piano as he jumped across the keys playing a tune for him. It was a duet he was practicing yesterday. Adrien sat on his chair and played along with him. He smiled as Plagg slid across the keys as the song came to an end. Adrien laughed and hugged Plagg tightly giving him an entire plate of camembert. Plagg rushes over and ate his cheese. At least you're having fun Plagg.

At Marinette's
Marinette was in her room pacing back and forth as her kwami watched her silently.

Marinette: I need to give Adrien his present.

Tikki: Well..There's always tomorrow..-

Marinette: No Tikki, it has to be today! I can't give him a late birthday present!

Tikki: Well how are you going to get it to him?

Marinette: Well, I could always drop it off in the mail but last time that happened, his dad took ownership for it. I don't want that to happen again.

The young girl's eyes sparkled as another plan popped into her head. She grinned widely turning to Tikki who was somewhat concern and a bit frightened.

Marinette: Well, If Marinette can't, who says Ladybug can't.
Tikki, Spots On!

She transformed, grabbing the present and climbed out of her balcony and traveled across the city to Adrien's mansion. She was on the rooftop of the building immediately opposite his. She took a deep breath then went for it. She knocked on the glass as Adrien would get up from his piano and walked over to the window. He opened it and she jumped and landed inside. He look confused yet happy to see her.

Adrien: M'la..- I mean, Ladybug. What are you doing here?

Ladybug: Oh.. Uhh.. nothing much. It's j-just that I knew it was your b-birthday so I bought you a-a little something.

She showed him the gift and his eyes lit up as his cheeks turned a little pink. He took it out of the bag to see a photo album and a box of cupcakes with his favorite flavors. At school, Adrien mentioned wanting a photo album since his friends have been spending more time with him and Nino's been capturing every moment of it. He thanked her for it and she smiled waving her hands like if it were nothing.

He then dropped everyone on the couch and ran back over to hug her. She patted his back gently then gave in. His cologne, his scent.. she drifted off in her head. Adrien pulled away apologizing and she brushed it off. His head then sank into sadness as he sat next to his gifts. Ladybug joined him asking him what's the matter. He replied.

Adrien: It's just that everyone remembered my birthday and gave me something, but my father hasn't even seen me for the entire day nor told me happy birthday. Even you, Ladybug, came to see me but, I just don't think he cares for me anymore.

Ladybug: Oh Adrien, I'm so sorry you feel that way. But just remember this, that you'll always have your friends to lift you up. Whenever I'm with Chat, believe it not, he makes me a better Ladybug. I don't think I'd be able to pull it all off without him by my side.

And that made him smile once again. Knowing how much Ladybug cared for him, made him feel a lot better about himself. He turned to her as she smiled once again. She got up and was about to leave but Adrien stopped her and pulled on her hand. The momentum spun her around and her lips met his. She was startled, but gave in. He cupped her cheeks pulling her closer as she placed her hands on his sides.

They broke away, Adrien blushing. Ladybug waved goodbye and told him she'll come see him tomorrow. He nodded, she left, swinging her yo-yo out from his window. He squealed out as Plagg came out from his hiding place. He flopped back down on his bed thinking of none other than ladybug as Plagg would just be disgusted. He couldn't stop talking about Ladybug.

Marinette: Tikki! I did it! And Adrien..h-he..he..He Kissed Me!!

Tikki: I know Marinette.
But technically, he kissed Ladybug. Not Marinette.
I'm so happy for you.

Marinette: *squeals* I feel as though I can fly away into a fairytale land where me and Adrien get married, have three kids, and a hamster.

Tikki: Oh Marinette...

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