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Chloe was mad at Sabrina because she 'ruined' her designer yellow jacket and now she'd lost it. But as Chloe would have it, she was actually wearing it. She stormed off as Sabrina tried calling out to her, but Chloe ignored her. As she got into the elevator, she leaned on the elevator wall and sighed, Today's my birthday and yet no one told me except for Sabrina..

The doors opened and she walked out the hotel, frowning. As she exited she then saw Marinette with a gift in her hand reached out to Chloe.

Chloe: Dupain-Cheng! What is the meaning of this!?

Marinette: Chloe..*pants* I finally found you. I made this for you. Happy birthday.

Chloe: Tsk, Whatever.

She grabbed the bag and walked away from a smiling Marinette. But behind her back she muttered "Thank you..". She went over to the park and sat down on the cleanest bench she could find. That's when a cute, tall, handsome and generally a good looking guy walked up to her sitting next to her with his guitar in hand.

Luka: Marinette gave you that, didn't she?

Chloe: Who are you and why do you care?

Luka: *chuckles* I'm Luka, Juleka's older brother. Marinette spent all week making that gift for you. She couldn't stop talking about it.

Chloe: ...Really...

She unwrapped the gift and a jacket came out just like the one they used in the movie she tried so hard to mess up and be apart of. She tried it on but it was a bit big but ultimately, she loved it. "You like it don't you?" The boy said grinning. She pouted. "Y'know, Not everyone you meet is your enemy. Marinette just wants you to be her friend because honestly, you seem like a nice girl."

He turned to look at her, picking up his guitar, and began playing a tune. Her eyes grew larger as he played a beautiful melody and to her it sounded strangely familiar. She looked away as she blushed, her fingers tapping to the beat of the melody. He stopped as Chloe would now turn to Luka. "Why did you stop..?"

He chuckled looking at her, "You liked it?" She blushed even more and dodged the question, "It was adequate for your level of skill." He laughed. He then stretched his arm out behind Chloe leaning it on the back of the bench. "Thank you." He then looked up, closing his eyes as the soft breeze blew through his hair, Chloe's as well.

Luka: You're not a bad person, Chloe. You act like if you own everything but you don't. You bully others and make them feel as though they don't belong because you're upset that you don't have the life they do. I'm not judging you or anything like that. No one's special nor do they have a special or perfect life.

He grinned looking back at her in a dreamy way. He cupped her cheek bringing her closer. she blushed once again. He grinned, "Not even 'Dupain-Cheng' has a perfect life." She gently gripped his hands, removing them from her face. "Whatever.." He smiled as she was still holding his hands. He switched the grip on her hand pulling her closer once again.

He placed one hand on her cheek and the other around her waist. He kissed her. She soon fell into the kiss, kissing him back. She rested her arms on her shoulders. They parted for air as Chloe removed herself from him, pulling the jacket closed in front of her, looking away as blush painted her cheeks.

Luka smiled as a few streaks of red appeared on his face as well. "Thank you..for saying those nice words to me.." she mumbled under her breath. Luka smiled as he looked up at the sky, his arm returning to the back of the bench around Chloe. "Happy Birthday, my Queen."

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