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Marinette: I'm in love with you Adrien! I have been since the day you gave me your umbrella.

Adrien: I'm sorry Marinette..but...I like someone else.

The young bluenette felt her heart shatter into a million pieces as she heard that. There was a pain in her heart and her breathing sped up; it was suffocating her. It was unbearable. Tears filled her eyes as enormous drops fell from them like a waterfall. Adrien looked up and was shocked as he saw her. He felt terrible.

Adrien: Marinette..-

Marinette: O-Oh it's fine. I just..It was on my chest and thought i-it was time I told you. Hehe, That's all. Well b-bye.

Adrien: Wait. Marinette!!

A week had passed and Marinette hadn't been to school. She'd been going on patrols with Chat but he also saw that his lady wasn't at her usual 100%. She didn't even make any comments on his puns.

Chat: M'lady, is everything ok?

Ladybug: Everything's Fine, why wouldn't it be?

Chat: It's just that you've been off recently and..-

Ladybug: It's not important Chat. Tomorrow's the big day so go home get some rest and you know where to meet me. After tomorrow, our lives will go back to normal. Later, Cat Noir.

Chat: Wait!

She swung away from the rooftop leaving Chat with his arms extended out to her. He slowly dropped it back to his side and sat down. Those sad eyes..they remind me of...Marinette.. He thought. That's when it hit him. He placed the pieces back together and came out with a conclusion. Ladybug..and Ladybug is..Marinette. He began to cry as he was frustrated, angry, and mad with himself.

He rejected Marinette..which means he rejected Ladybug; the love of his life. He punched the wall behind him. "How Could I Be So Stupid!?" That's when a pretty, black butterfly flew on over and disappeared into his bell.

Hawk Moth: Cat Blanc. I am Hawk Moth. I'm giving you the ultimate power of destruction. I can sense the frustration in your heart as you are now burdened with the fault you made in the past. I can help you fix that. All I ask in return is yours and Ladybug's miraculous. Obey.

He tried resisting but the part about helping him fix it got him hooked. Black and purple bubbles engulfed him and so he was made anew. White. He jumped on over to Marinette's balcony and got down into her room from her trap door. She was quick to get up from her chair, startled at her partner's new look.

Marinette: C-Cat Noir..? Is that y-you?

Chat: It's Cat Blanc now, Princess. I'm here to take you away from here. With me, and we'll be together forever.

He stepped closer as she would now step back. Every step forward from the villain, a step back from the bluenette. Her back hit the wall as she was now cornered. She tried reasoning with him, trying to snap him out of it but it was no use. "Cat Noir, please, don't do this.." He was now a few inches away. He played with her bangs, brushing them aside and behind her ears. He then cupped her cheeks as his hand would slip further down to her lips.

Chat: I'm so sorry Marinette for rejecting you.

Marinette: Wait..Adri..-

Chat: M'lady, I never wanted to hurt you, funny thing is..I was actually in love with you. Your other self. But I do have a similar feeling towards you Marinette. It's feelings for you mixed with my feelings for Ladybug, they were both so confusing. I couldn't make sense of it and I couldn't make up my mind. I'm really really sorry.
Hawk Moth: Blanc, What are you doing? Go get me Ladybug!

Chat: Sorry Hawky, But you're not in control anymore.

Chat mentally cut off the link between him and Hawk Moth meaning he was free to do whatever he wanted. And he also wasn't close enough to remove the akuma from him. Chat then turned to Marinette as she stood there frozen in her spot.

Chat: Hawk Moth can't hear, nor see us now M'lady. And I know where he's hiding. You think we could pull off our plan today instead, bugaboo?

Marinette: Uhh..Yeah.

She frowned as she walked away from him. "Are you..disappointed that it's me? Are you still mad at me?" She stopped and turned around to look at him, tears in her eyes. "It's not's just.. I don't believe you. Those things you said. Adrien, you never felt this way towards me until now..until you found out I was Ladybug; the person I represent. You don't love love Ladybug." 

Chat went over to her and hugged her tightly. "I know it may seem that way but do you remember what I said? Back when we were just starting out, when we defeated Stone Heart? Well, I said, 'Whoever that girl is under the mask, I love that girl'. I'm in love with the girl, not the mask. And either way, you're both the same person, just two different sides of yourself, Mari. I love you, the girl, not the mask."

He pulled away and they kissed; it was soft, passionate and deep. Marinette pulled away, "I love you too, Adrien." Chat pulled her back in for another kiss, this one more demanding. Their lips folded as Chat slid his tongue in. Marinette moaned in between the kiss. He picked her up and laid her on her chair. They began again. Chat then went down to her jawline, then to her neck, trailing butterfly kisses on them.

Marinette tried to break him out of the kiss, speaking in between, "Chat..- We..- Need to..- Get..- Hawk Moth..- R-Remember..-"

Chat: Right now, princess?

Marinette: Yes kitty.

He pouted as he sat beside her as she got up. "If we defeat Hawk Moth, Maybe then we'll get to do this again. Simple." He sighed as he got off the chair. Marinette called over the kwami. "Yes! Marinette! You did it!" Marinette giggled at her kwami. Tikki, Spots On! They jumped out through the trap door and onto the balcony. She followed Chat to where he felt his connection with Hawk Moth.

He was shocked but he didn't care that it led him back to his mansion. He wasn't surprised one bit. Ladybug rested her hand on his shoulder. It all ends here.

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