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Today was friendship day and everyone in Paris was ready, but needed to be paired up with some random person. So Marinette and her friends got their notifications and checked it to see the location in which they were supposed to meet up with their partners. And of course as we are speaking about Marinette, she's praying that her partner is thee Adrien Agreste.

And if course that didn't happen because he is one of the 'prizes' at the end of the day for those who made it to their final riddle; the name of the location He is hiding at. And instead she got Kagami, Adrien's fencing Buddy. What luck. Kagami made her way over to the bridge to meet up with her partner, Marinette.

Kagami: Marinette. It's good to see you again.

Marinette: Uh, you too.

Their phones dinged in sync as they received the next clue. They were told the riddle and Kagami led the way. Marinette simply followed behind as she thought of the perfect plan to make sure that she doesn't win and get to see Adrien. She tried every trick in the book but it simply didn't work. Instead she was fascinated by her. The next task they had to complete was the fishing exercise.

Marinette was given the job of fishing out the objects while Kagami collected them. Marinette glanced over at Kagami and saw that she checked her phone but quickly put it away. She rose a brow then Kagami focused back on her. She asked.

Kagami: Do you prefer to be called by your full name or a nickname?

Marinette paused for a minute but said.

Marinette: full name..

She turned back to the water and pulled something out to see Kagami checking her phone again. What is she doing? She asked again after taking off the piece of junk from the magnet.

Kagami: What's your favorite season?

Marinette replied saying all of them but Kagami said that she's indecisive and scatter brained ending out off with an awkward smile. Marinette then fished out the next clue and Kagami took it reading it out loud. They must exchange phones. Marinette internally rejoiced as she was now given the opportunity to check her phone to see what's she's been doing. They both left in opposite directions and took their pictures.

Marinette quickly scanned through the phone and found the app. How to make friends. She gasped in realization and for some reason she blushed. Tikki looked at it too and sighed to Marinette saying that she was right. Marinate took her picture and hurried back to Kagami.
(In this Marinette didn't speak with Alya).
Kagami waited there and saw her partner running back to her. But soon after it was announced that someone else already won and beat them to it. It was Alya and her partner. They both sighed as Marinette turned to Kagami.

Marinette: I have a confession to make.

Kagami: What is it, Marinette?

Marinette: The truth is, I've been trying to slow us down and prevent us from getting to Adrien. I was jealous of you that you and Adrien get to spend more time together and actually share the same traits that winning might bring you two closer together. The thing is I have a major crush on him..-

Kagami: I know but I wasn't trying to win, at least not for Adrien, but I wanted to prove to myself that you and I are compatible and are able to solve problems together because I want to get to know you, Marinette.

Marinette: Wait..really?

Kagami: Yes. Because..I kinda like you as more than a friend so maybe this was my chance to make you fall for me despite you loving Adrien. *blush*

Marinette couldn't help but blush at her confession. And to say the least she did foster feelings for her too. She walked closer to her and took her hand.

Marinette: I must admit I did have fun on this little escapade. Wanna grab a drink with me?

Kagami: Sure.

Marinette: Maybe we could visit the beach tomorrow as well, what do you think?

Kagami: Sounds like fun.

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