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Mornings had always been my favorite time of day to get things done and the earlier, the better. Almost every day started the same, too. This one morning wasn't any different. I slid into my favorite spot in the coffee shop right down the road from my university.

This spot wasn't anything particularly special, but the gravitation toward it was habitual. Initially it enticed me because it was a seat sat along the window, giving me a perfect view of the people and cars rushing past. People-watching was one of my favorite pastimes. It blew my mind thinking about all the countless possibilities that each person's life could lead. I loved thinking about that kind of stuff. When I was especially bored I would create expansive life stories for some of the strangers.

I wish I was granted the same opportunity for myself, to construct a whole new storyline for my life. Not that I was unhappy with where I was, I just liked the idea of creating and destroying certain aspects at whim. It was freeing to think about.

In a sense, I had already done that with some things. A lot of my life decisions had been a little more impulsive than others. The minute I graduated high school, I decided to up and leave thousands of miles away to the school I resided at now. Fortunately, my parents supported me through it.

If anything, they were the reason I wanted to start the path that I decided on. I would also say that naming me Aurora in the first place had to have some help in the situation, too. I grew up hearing stories about the stars and the galaxies above us. Both parents talked with such admiration about it that I had no choice but to fall in love with the subject as well.

I smiled to myself as I fondly reminisced on the memories. My hand wrapped around the mug sat in front of me, soaking in the warmth spreading across my fingertips. The steam brushed over my nose when I brought the coffee up and lightly blew on it before taking a sip.

My gaze redirected back to my laptop screen, the brightness breaking me out of my trance. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I really didn't want to study for anything right then, I would have much preferred going into work at the planetarium or studying something I actually cared about. American war history did not meet that criteria.

My finger ran over the mouse pad, scrolling aimlessly through the documents. I knew I wasn't soaking in the information well, but I couldn't help it. I procrastinated too long and now was my only time to actually try and make a decent grade. My chin glumly rested into my palm as I continued my half-assed attempt at studying.

Not much time had passed before realizing I had already clicked onto another browser. The first thing that popped up was the news and I clicked on the local tab. Not much of anything interesting happened in Yellowstone, Canada but every now and then I'd be surprised.

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