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People were staring me down as if I had done something wrong. Did they know I had killed that man, or was it the black eye that was now prominently growing darker on my face? I tried to gulp down the feeling of guilt and keep walking. This was the first time I had ever killed anybody and to be honest, I didn't feel great.

Father should have left the killing to Leon, not me. I was most definitely not in the right mind to kill someone like that. Every time I looked down at my hands, I kept seeing the bloody aftermath there, even if there wasn't. I was sure to wash it all off, but I kept seeing it.

Was I being paranoid?

I think I was being paranoid.

My mind was running a million miles an hour, my hands fisting at my sides then letting go, over and over again as I walked down the sidewalk. Learning that not only were the light guardians planning on killing us, they were also planning on killing the entire Earth and everyone on it. This mission was beyond me, and I hated to say it, but I was starting to feel very small in this mission by myself.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I got. Did my father know about this? It was like he had sent me down on a fucking deathwish mission.

My jaw clenched tightly, tilting my head as I let out a groan, pushing myself up against one of the shop's walls, running a shaky hand through my dirty hair.

What was I supposed to do? If the sun never sets, then I wouldn't have as much energy to go home. I needed the night time for energy. One source that basically kept me alive was the moon and without that, then I would be screwed. Royally screwed. No moon equals no going home. There was no way I would have the energy to go home, therefore trapping me on this Earth to die alone and a failure to everyone around me.

I was making all these mental notes to myself to bring up to my father later when I went home. These were valid points. Did my father just want me to shrivel up and die here?

I bit down on my lip, looking up at the sunset over the horizon. Each of its shades burned brightly into the sky, painting a beautiful scene in front of me. For now, I was okay.

I wasn't so naive that I didn't know soon enough they were surely going to take their plan into action. I just didn't know when, where, or how. But most importantly, I didn't know how to stop it.

I needed to call Aurora and let her know I was going home. I didn't want her to get worried or mad at me for disappearing again like the last few times. Especially now since she knew there was a war going on between my people and the light guardians.

I shoved my hand into my pocket, getting out the square device as I held it tightly into my hand. I had only had it for a few days, and to be frank, I didn't really know how to work it. The screen was too small, and texting was nearly impossible for me.

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