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My alarm boomed through the room, caused by the aftermath of accidentally leaving my phone at maximum volume. I felt Astro immediately stand to her feet and start to growl. It jolted me awake with crusty eyes that burned. I had stayed up a bit too late last night because I was studying for a final for physics class.

I groaned as I rolled myself over, hitting my phone blindly a couple of times before finally slamming the alarm off completely. Astro stared at me, her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth as she panted.

"I know." I mumbled, pulling the blanket over my head as I closed my eyes for a minute. Mornings were always the hardest to get up, especially at six-thirty in the morning. I laid there for a few moments, contemplating my entire life while thinking about the day I had ahead of me.

When I finally got up, I started my morning routine as usual. Brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took Astro out for a walk. I always took her to the park across the road from my apartment. It was convenient and pretty—a match made in Heaven. It was the usual. Simple and sweet.

I seemed to constantly have a million thoughts racing through my mind in the morning—could have been fictional or non-fictional. Most of it was made up scenarios, though. Typically about me being able to sleep in for once in my life and get a restful eight hours of sleep. A girl could dream, right?

But this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about Harry. Nina and I hadn't seen him in two days and we were starting to get a little worried we may have scared him off. Was it something that we did? I did?

I felt bad that I went through his fridge. I should have known better, but he was drunk and I was just trying to be helpful by getting him a glass of water. Who knew that could've been such a bad move.

Not to mention the whole note thing was a bit weird. The way he was so defensive about me just holding it made me a little uneasy. I couldn't quite place my finger on what was so uncomfortable about it. Maybe it was the slight aggressive he displayed that made my body tense at the thought. I had never seen that side of him before and I hated it.

I tried to chalk it up to him being a guy—some guys really didn't like sharing their feelings. Maybe he was scared that I would make fun of him for the things he wrote on paper, but that wasn't me. I just hoped he knew that.

It also didn't give him the right to act that way towards me, but I still felt guilty regardless. I shouldn't have snooped, even if unintentional.

Astro's barks from outside pulled the attention away from my thoughts. I was grateful for the shift in concentration. I had a habit of doing that a lot—getting stuck in loops of my own thoughts. I wouldn't even realize it until much later when the sky's colors had changed without my knowledge. Luckily this wasn't one of those times. Thanks Astro.

I unlocked my apartment door, pushing the door open with my foot. Astro raced inside as she panted. She immediately went for her water bowl before I could even take her leash off. I chuckled to myself, closing the door. I gave her a pat on the head as I watched her tail pick up in speed from excitement, refusing to break from her water to look up.

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