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When humans would say they were worried sick, I never understood it. How could something you're worried about make you sick? Did they mean sick as in they'd get a cold? Nina said that colds happen from viruses, though, so that couldn't be right.

That was what I thought up until last night. I soon realized they meant sick in a different way - a way I had only ever experienced once in the planetarium.

Ada kissing me was a mistake, I was so shocked that she would do that knowing that I was with Aurora. She was my girlfriend and she even saw how happy we were.

To say that I was worried sick would be false because I felt so sick that my empty stomach was trying to wretch out whatever fluids it could. It didn't help that Ryan had fed me all those drinks either.

So on top of being sick that Aurora would leave me, I also had a headache that hurt so bad I thought I'd cry.

Why was being a human so hard? If Leon saw me right now, he would surely scold me till the ends of the Earth. There I was, sitting on Aurora's front step, holding my head while watching the sun come up and the heat start to rise with it.

After my efforts of chasing Aurora home, it was too late and she must've fallen asleep because I knocked for an hour straight with loud pleas for her to open the door, just for her neighbor to come out and yell at me for being too loud.

I didn't want to go back to my apartment. I belonged in the bed with my Aurora and I didn't want to lay in the bed alone. So, I opted to sit outside her porch all night. It really wasn't too terrible, other than the strange people lurking the streets at night, or the loud howls of some sort of animals that came from the woods across the street.

Many times I told myself to leave, to give her space, and my palms sweat at the thought of not being near her. Knowing that she was upset at me for something out of my control gave me more anxiety than I'd ever experienced in my time as a human. I found my lip quivering. Some time throughout the night tears threatened to spill when I started to feel homesick away from her.

I hated this.

The worst part was that I had to leave tomorrow. How was I supposed to fix this knowing I only had one day to do so?

I scolded myself silently as my palms found my burning eyes and pressed hard against them. Aurora should know I would never hurt her, that I would do anything to protect her. I only ever wanted her, I only ever wanted to kiss her, and I only ever wanted to be in her arms.

If it was my choice, I'd simply become stardust in her arms when it was my time to pass.

The humidity was getting to me, though the sun had just risen. My palm kept swiping at the moisture building on my skin, it didn't help that I had last night's costume on. It was dreadfully heavy, but if I took it off, I'd expose myself. I had to remind myself multiple times through my soft pants that I wasn't allowed to expose my skin to anyone other than Aurora; that was what she had said anyway.

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