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The chorus to Alien Blues by Vundabar woke me up from my deep sleep. I had begun to regret my decision of making one of my favorite songs an alarm.


My hand slammed against my phone, blindly pushing the screen. Eventually the music stopped, and I pulled my hand back to the pillow, my face still buried in the cushion. I grumbled to myself and wiped the tiredness out of my eyes.

Normally, I would have woken up more gracefully, but I hardly got any sleep last night. Besides the fact that I got home late, I couldn't get that boy from last night out of my head. The whole situation didn't make any sense.

I propped myself up and sat on my elbows. Astro was curled up at my feet and I smiled to myself. She must have been knocked out just like me. She normally woke up when I did, but instead I heard her faint snores in the air.

I gently patted her on the head, causing one of her eyes to peak open. I ruffled her brown and white fur and leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead. Her tail immediately started to wag and she quickly got up, landing kisses all over my face. Laughing, I pulled her off.

She jumped off the bed and twirled in circles. Who would've known she was just passed out not even a couple minutes ago. If only I could have half that amount of energy right now.

"You wanna go out, Astro?" Her head crooked to the side, listening intently. Her tail wagged even harder as it knocked against the wall.

I jumped out of bed and chased her down the hallway. She stopped at the door to look up at the leash hanging by the door, patiently waiting for me to catch up and let her out.

I helped her into the harness and opened the door. I was still in my pajamas, but I couldn't care less. It was so early that the sun had just begun to wake up, too.

The porch steps were cold against my legs as I sat down on them. Astro darted down and sniffed around all the nearby grass. She eventually found her spot and did her business.

My phone clicked as I unlocked it. I only had a few notable notifications that piqued my interest. One was a text from Nina.

From: my sunflower 🌻
7:06 A.M.
"Hope you're ready for tonight xoxo...BECAUSE YOU'RE COMING :)"

I rolled my eyes, trying to think of a response. I knew I was going to end up caving, but it was fun to pretend. Nina was the only one who was able to persuade me that easily. I was like putty in her hands most of the time.

To: my sunflower 🌻
7:34 A.M.
"you'll owe me dinner then xoxo"

From: my sunflower 🌻
7:35 A.M.
"Done and done"

A smile spread across my face and I continued to scroll. A news update was right underneath the text notification. My eyes grew wide and I hoped it had something to do with last night.

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