Chapter 3:The real battle begins

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your pov:

the space battle has been going on for a while now I could tell that the boys amd girls were getting a little jealous with bearly anyhting to do down here but I couldn't help but feel as if something was off,why cant I shake this feeling is something wrong? ugh! I hate this!!!!...
no I have to remember what master plo and yoda told me


a younger more hot tempered me sat infront of master plo and yoda

plo:"do you know why you're here y/n?"


yoda:"your master's report on you, concerning it was help you fix it here to master plo and I are"

y/n:"with all respect master yoda there's no problem to fix I just got a little carried away with my thoughts"

plo:"while you may have won the battle you could've gotten your soldiers and yourself killed in the process would you have wanted that to happen?"

y/n:"...not when you put it that way master"

plo:"now why dont we have a talk about this problem of yours"

y/n:"....ya see sometimes I just get a feeling where something's gonna go wrong I cant control it it's like I'm not only sensing what I want to"

plo:"seems like a problem indeed perhaps it is the force telling you to be weary of your surrounding as well as your priorities"

y/n:"how do I do that master?"

yoda:"a solution I have,let your mind flow and feel everything you must but be aware of danger you must also"

y/n:"say what now?"

plo:"he is saying to be mindful of everything around you whenever you get this feeling dont ignore it or act on it in haste ride it out and get the full picture"

y/n:"oh....well I guess I can try that"

yoda:"do or do not there is no try"

y/n:"!!!...*smiles* I understand master"

the three of us smiled as we sat and meditated for the rest of the time I was there practicing master today's solution to my problem.

*end of flashback*

dont rush for get annoyed just feel it out ok.....
I reach out to the feeling as if it was calling to me something other trying


y/n:"the battle is only a diversion!"

I rushed back inside immediately once I reached the command room I heard that anakin and obi wan were speaking about how the command ships of the separatist fleet were moving as if they were willingly being sacrificed wich means that feeling I had was right!


they turn to me

y/n:"if I may interject I couldn't help but overhear you talking about the ship being shot down without any effort I have a feeling that it's all part of their plan"

master ti:"explain young one"

y/n:"masters yoda and plo koon always told me to feel out any odd feelings I'd get and this one is teeling me that the battle in space is only a diversion"

obi wan:"diversion?"

y/n:"I can't explain it in detail but it's really strong amd wont stop bothering me I just thought it'd be best to tell you about it"

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