Chapter 17:Darkness

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*location unknown*

no one pov:

ahsoka awoke to find herself in some sort of dungeon her arms chained as she pulled against them trying to break the rusty chains

??:"hehehe!...foolish child....those chains will never break"

said a old and strange creature in the shadows ahsoka could not see him well since it was rather dark

ahsoka:"oh? and how are you free?"

??:"because I've learned how to be free,you should give up hope then you will be free!"

ahsoka:"....if I know my master and my friend they will come for me"

??:"so full of hope for those who will never find you?"

he said as he walked over with a twig in his hand,he jabs it into the shackles and they released ahsoka's right hand he simply gave her the twig and did it to the shackle on her left hand freeing her as she held her arm

??:"you see? be free one must rely on one self...took me very long to know that"

ahsoka:"how long have you been here?"

??:"since the day he took me,my friends never came back"

ahsoka:"! your wrong I'm sure they looked for you! just like I'm sure mine will look for me!"

the creature grits his teeth

??:"I grow tired of your resilience!"

suddenly her rushed and bit the togruta female faster then she could react she yelped in pain and started feeling dizzy as she fell unconscious the strange creature chuckled as it walked away.


y/n rose his speeder without a care in the world as he looked for the son's fortress at the moment he has no luck and stops getting off of the speeder as he let's out a roar of anger as he wildly attacks a bolder with his lightsaber slahing at it with pure rage

y/n rose his speeder without a care in the world as he looked for the son's fortress at the moment he has no luck and stops getting off of the speeder as he let's out a roar of anger as he wildly attacks a bolder with his lightsaber slahing at it ...

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once you were done doing that you beat 5he rook with your first making your hands bleed as you let out a regen filled scream


once dont with you burst of rage you fell to your knees slightly calmed but still angry tears came to your eyes a heavy feeling a failure hit you as the storm became stronger lightning striking from the ground

y/n:" me!"


y/n:"you damn sith! the one time I'm at my lowest you leave me be!?"

with out a response you ignighted your blade both your eyes a piercing a sith yellow


you yelled when suddenly you felt a hand on your should making you stop in your tracks.....
you turned your head you yellow eyes Loki g at the figure of a jedi you've heard mich about but sadly never had the pleasure of meeting

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