Chapter 16:The test

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no one pov:

morning arrived on mortis anakin and
y/n were following behind the father as he spoke about what would be done today

morning arrived on mortis anakin andy/n were following behind the father as he spoke about what would be done today

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father:"as I've already explain today will be a test to see if you truly are the chosen one"

anakin:"whatever...just as long as we can leave once its done right y/n?"

you were not paying attention instead you were were being lectured by revan you looked atright foward as you listened to his words his teachings of the force anakin shook you out of you trance and looked at him


anakin:"as I said I dont care what test I have to do as long as we get to leave after"

y/n:"oh uhh yeah...why am I here again?"

father:"that is a simple question vessel"

y/n:"wich is?"

father:"all will be revealed soon"

you rolled your eyes as revan held your shoulder walking behind you invisible to all but you as he told you not to let your guard down before leaving you alone for now.
you arrived at a ledge where a sole chair was located in the middle the father takes his seat as the three of you look down into the arena

anakin:"so what's this test thing?"

father:"go down and see"

anakin sighs and jumps into the arena like area walking to the middle and looking around seeing nothing  he looks back up to the father unamused you were about to join him but father stopped you telling you that this was anakin's test wich concerned you a bit as you looked on from above you can constantly hear revans words of dont trust them replaying in your mind but you chose to focus as you notices two figures flying towards the arena.
the two figures land revealing a gargoyle

the two figures land revealing a gargoyle

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and a griffon

and a griffon

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