Chapter 4:Clones on a mission

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no one pov:

rex cody fives and echo rushed towards the direction of the barecs they soon come across amber and sparks along with a few other members of Assult Force Delta,they decided to stop and help out

rex cody fives and echo rushed towards the direction of the barecs they soon come across amber and sparks along with a few other members of Assult Force Delta,they decided to stop and help out

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(male clones I  your squad that are arc  troopers or captains where this armor,females where armor similar to amber and members of the recon devision simply where the same thing but in camo)

rex:"amber sparks!"

sparks:"we could use the help over here!"

cody:"that's what were here for brother!"

amber:"alright boys we gotta home to protect! blaze and bolt cause a distraction!"

boys:"yes ma'am!"

amber:"nola and kora watch our assses and look out for more!"

girls:"yes ma'am!"

the four did their jobs the boys were in the front dealing with the droids that were still having a hard time getting past the clones while the girls stayed I'm the back and shot down any driod that tried to attack from behind while the others took a moment to plan out

sparks:"alright what's the plan?"

echo:"were heading to the barecs when we saw you and stopped to help"

amber:"I see any knows on the  boss and the general?"

rex:"commander l/n was the reason we're still here he's dealing with general grievous as we speak"

fives:"he told us to go and help any others while he dealth with clanker prime back there"

amber:*snorts*"clancker prime that's a good one!"

sparks:"not the time amber!"

amber:"sorry sorry I couldn't help it!"

cody:"right?...anyway our main priority is getting to the barecs anyone we see on the way well help and bring along"

amber:"sound like a plan but first..."

sparks:"let's have some fun!"*clocks blaster*

the small group of clones go in guns a blazing as they deal with the wave of droids currently causing a problem for them.


the sound of clashes could be heard as
y/n and grievous fight a fierce battle the droid general swung down as y/n backflipped avoiding the four blade as he lands on the generals head he goes to swing on top but you jumped off and dodged him again as he grunted in annoyance

y/n:"your getting slow bolts for brains are your servos locking up?"

grievous:"don't act like you can win jedi filth I still have the upper hands!"

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