Chapter 5:Temple life

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your pov:

it's been at least a week since the battle on kamino I was informed from the council that quinlan was on a very special recon mission it was also dangerous amd no place for a padawan and since I was technically apart of obi wan and anakin's team I'd be at the temple for some time wich honestly got boring once you've been outside of it for so long.
I couldn't help but find myself often wondering the halls since I was restless most of the time,I would go to the library and read such as possible once that got lame I'd hang around master plo and master yoda and well that got boring quickly but I did learn some things my last attempt was talking to master drallig as the battle master he knew alot about fighting so I was hoping to test me skills against him that way I could sooth my need for adventure and action.
after making my way to the training grounds I smile as I see master drallig training a few younglings who were waiting to be picked as apprentices by jedi it reminded my of when I was still new I had a few different masters before quinlan but its thanks to all of them that I'm the person I am today heh I was a mess back then.
I walk around and sit for a while as I watch master drallig teach the younger ones they soon notice my presence and hault their session

master drallig:"padawan l/n it's been a while my friend"

y/n:"greetings master drallig,apologizes for disrupting your lessons"

master drallig:"no no always a pleasure to have one of my best students around,so what brings you here?"

y/n:"oh just a little bored wanted something to do as all"

master drallig:"another test I presume?"

y/n:"heh! you know me to well master"

he thinks for a moment before smiling and calling me over I get up and walked up to him to wich he pats my head and laughs

master drallig:"I was suppose to teach you all the basics of save combat but how about a small demonstration hmm?"

the younglings looked amazed a d a bit excited upon hearing that wich solidified as a silent answer

master drallig:"alright then take a seat and pay attention we will use the various forms of combat and I want you to identify them when where done understand?"

younglings:"yes master drallig"

they all ho to take a seat and watch master drallig and I go to opposite sides of the grounds as we both take out our respective lightsabers I activated my orange blade the youngling Ooo'd as the sight of a blade such as mine before master drallig ignighted his green blade

they all ho to take a seat and watch master drallig and I go to opposite sides of the grounds as we both take out our respective lightsabers I activated my orange blade the youngling Ooo'd as the sight of a blade such as mine before master drallig...

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master drallig:"now young one show me what you've learned all those years under quinlan's methods"

I smile as I grip my saber and press the attack.
we started with form one the form of simple yet wild unpredictable strikes one of my favorites we blocked and dodged eachother before suddenly making a switch to the second form,this was more suited for blade to blade combat where some more subtle amulet powerful strike wer made our speed also increased as our sabers clashed making an amazing light show I switched to form 3 while he pressed one with form 4 the clashing didn't last to long as we both when on a assult with form 5 both matched our heavy strikes locking our blades as we fight for dominance to win I was losing as he pushed me back I kicked him in the stomach making out blades unlock as I use the force to push him back to wich he responded by slwoling himself down and throwing his saber I blocked it but that's what he wanted as he used the force to make it attack me from behind cutting me on the face as I fall back before I could get up he helf his green blade to my throat signifying he won
heh! and that's why he's the master.

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