Chapter 14:Secrets of the force

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no one pov:

the four jedi scout out empty space in a small four person ship looking for something yet coming across nothing more the empty void,inside anakin amd obi wan were piloting while ahsoka and y/n kept watch over scanners and communications amd speaking of communications one was coming through right now the holographic image of captain rex appears

y/n:"hey rex"


y/n:"we've ben over this buddy y/n is fine"

rex:"sorry sir force of habbit...anyway have you gotten any luck?"

y/n:"no were still here on pur butts nothing but space for miles"

obi wan:"I hope you still keeping an eye on those scanners y/n"

y/n:"I am but honestly wants the point anymore we've done four spins and nothing"

anakin:"wich makes the first one the luckiest"

ahsoka:"that's third one skyguy"

anakin:"not if you me"

y/n:"thats a relief"

you mumbled under your breath honestly missing the calmness of the jedi temple at this point

rex:"uhhh sir?"

y/n:"oh yeah!...sorry I forgot you were ther for a moment....but yeah no luck so far about to start the fifth search round"

you explained but suddenly the connection started getting choppy you started messing with the button s trying to stabilize the connection but to no avail

rex:"'re loosing...c..connec...tion"

y/n:"what's going on I cant get anything to stabilize!"

suddenly the ship began to shake as if entering an atmosphere of a planet or atleast the gravitational pull of one

obi wan:"y/n I told you to keep an eye on the scanners! what's going on?"

y/n:"umm ahsoka?"

ahsoka:"I dont get it I'm picking up something on the scanners but there's nothing out there"

y/n:"well there's the answer obi wan we dont know!"

obi wan:"well whatever's got us we're about to find out look"

you and ahsoka walk up behind obi wan and anakin and see a blinding light only getting brighter and brighter as if on instinct ahsoka had held your hand you could feel the small amout of fear in her so you squeeze her hand to help calm her nerves as the bright light got so bright that it consumed the four jedi.

*hours later timeskip*

your pov:

my everything hurts...I cant feel my brain and I think I'm I dead?
I soon opened my eyes and luckily I wasn't blind or dead,with my everything still hurting I made an effort to move yet I felt as if someone was on top of me....getting a better look of my position and see ahsoka on top of me I blush as I try to wake her up to wich she shifts a bit groaning in a bit of pain before waking up as well once she notices she's one me she immediately got off apologizing while also blushing a bit,I simply as she tells me to my feet and we wake up obi wan and anakin.

anakin:"ugh...where are we?"

y/n:"my guess is heaven...unless one of you hate this then its hell"

anakin:"my head hurts"

ahsoak:"join the club"

obi wan:"all jokes aside we need to find put where exactly we are"

ahsoka:"I could try to get the communications back up"

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