Chapter 6:Senator in danger

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*location jedi temple on coruscant*

no one pov:

ahsoka layed in her best resting peacefully before starting to toss and turn she was having a nightmare.
in her nightmare she saw someone crawling through vents while also seeing a gold friends,the person crawling through the vents took their time setting up a sniper rifle before aiming it at ahsoka's close friend before slowly pulling the trigger and once a blaster short was head the strange figure made themselves know and whispered into her ears

??:"she will die!"

with those words ahsoka jumps put of bed in a panic panting heavily as she held her looking around her room before calming down slightly and looking straight ahead of her.

*one timeskip later*

ahsoka walked through the halls of the temple not truly paying attention but still making sure she was watching where she was going.
she soon runs I to a familiar jedi as he seems to be chasing after something

y/n:"come back here you!"

taking a closer look she noticed it was a snow white loath cat unexpectedly it ran to her climbing up the female as her friend catches up with it panting

y/n:"well good to know she likes you"

ahsoka:"and may I ask who she is?"

y/n:"that's luna a loath cat I saved from a smuggler resently she's a troublemaker"

y/n:"that's luna a loath cat I saved from a smuggler resently she's a troublemaker"

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luna the loth cat(looks like this but is snow white)


ahsoka takes luna off her head and hands her over to you the kitten then makes her way into your hair and snuggles in prompting ahsoka to giggle at the adorable scene

y/n:"so what brings you around here...well other then helping me with my cat"

ahsoka:"hehe! I was heading over to master plo's room...I wanted to ask him something"

y/n:"oh cool mind if I tag along?"

luna:*angry cat noises*

y/n:"sorry if we tag along"


she smiled as the two padawans make their way to the jedi master's quarters.
in the time it took to get there ahsoka had explained her strange dream to y/n the young jedi thought about it and contemplated what it all meant but sadly he still had no clue not being able to fully understand it,sad that her friend wasnt able to help her she sighed slightly worried on what her dream had showed her but her sad demeanor soon faded upon reaching the room of master plo koon knocing in the door the two hear the words enter doing so they came across the jedi master sitting down meditating

master plo:"ahsoka and y/n..."


master plo:"and young kitten,what bring you tree here today"

y/n:"good after noon master plo I am simply accompanying my dear friend here  she appears to have a problem she wanted you help with"

master plo:"is this true ahsoka?"

he asked stroking his mask like a beard

ahsoka:"yes master I've been having a little trouble lately"

master plo:"quickly then tell me what bothers you"

ahsoka sits as she explains her dream to master plo who seemed to be thinking about it deeply before answering the young padawan

master plo:"it appears that the force is trying to tell you something listen and let it enlighten you ahsoka trust in it and it will guide you"

y/n:(master plo's really wise)

ahsoka:"you really think it's a force vision master?"

master plo:"I am certain next time this happens listen to it and understand it let it tell you what's going to happen"

ahsoka:"...I will,thank you master plo"

you smiled and also took master plo's words into deep consideration and re evaluating ahsoka's dream perhaps you could help in a way?
your attention was brought back as master plo had asked you a question


you asked wanting him to repeat his question

master plo:"I had asked if you plan to help ahsoka with her problem"

y/n:"actually I was just thinking about it if she'd let me I'd happily tag along on her small crusade"

ahsoka smiled and blushed a little bit wich was hid well by her natural orange skin but couldn't help but turn away suddenly when you looked at her,master plo stokes his mask like a beard yet again as if he caught on to something but decides to brush it off for now as he excuses the two padawans wich they bow and leave his room.

you pov:

we left master plo's room I was still thinking about ahsoka's problem and how I could possible help

??:(she will be your downfall)


I look around the strange voice returned it has been bothering me since I was small but I thought it was gone until recently visiting grandpa palpatine with anakin....what does it mean why did it come back?


I jump and turned to ahsoka who looked slightly annoyed as she crossed her arms


ahsoka:"I told you what we were going to do you said "what" so I chalked it up to you not hearing but it seems you were not listening at all"

y/n:"sorry...I was just thinking...I'm listening now I promise"

she rolled her eyes and smiled before explaining her dream again and knowing who she was going to have to protect a senator from naboo senator padme amidala I knew her met her once with quinlan one of the few politicians I actually respected

y/n:"so we're gonna save her?"

ahsoka:"yep so please pay attention"


ahsoka:"hmph! your lucky your cute"

she said winking before walking off leaving me there...did...did she just....flirt with me?
ohoho! she's not gonna get away with that!

*meanwhile ahsoka's pov*

why did say that!?
he's probably weirded out by me now....I shouldn't be feeling this I shouldn't have even said that!! what's wrong with me!
...I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and see him smiling at me I blushed a bit but went to apologize for what I said but he stopped me and simply gave me a small gaze holding my chin with his hand before coming closer...wait why is he?!

y/n:"just know I wont take such a flirt sitting down dear~"

he whispered in my ear before letting go of me so no one would notice the position we were in I looked at him my eyes widened as I couldn't believe what happened he looked back at me with a slight smile

y/n:"we going to meet the senator or no?"

ahsoka:"I....h..hold on!"

I yelled catching myself before running up to him returning to my normal demeanor I guess I had that coming...but I didnt expect him to do that more importantly why did I feel like I wanted more?
questions for later I have a friend to protect.

to be continued....
hope you all enjoyed I'll see ya around and remember the force is with you ALWAYS!

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