Chapter 10:The monster

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narrator:"terror takes the galaxy as the new and evil savage oppress males a name for himself as a jedi killer already making a high body count as he murders all jedi in his way while taking missions from the wicked count dooku,the jedi council have dispatched flour jedi to figure out a way to deal with this problem but will they be to late?"

your pov:

were on our way to dathomir I didn't get a chance for a proper briefing from the council all I know it's something about this guy called savage oppress a darth maul wanna be...hmm I wonder if he's stronger? eh I'm up for the challenge any day!

revan:(even a sith novice is difficult individual to deal with take causation apprentice)

y/n:(says the sith lord in my head...and I'm not your stinking apprentice)

revan:(the time will soon come the force has revealed it to me child you will seek my teachings)

*tap tap*

ahsoka:"you're dozing again"

y/n:"oh sorry"

ahsoka:"are you ok?"

y/n:"yeah...what do you think this savage guy is like?"

ahsoka:"I dont know...honestly if its anyhting like grievous I think we can handle it"

y/n:"this isn't some cheap of bits and bolts it's an actual sith...honestly I'm a bit anxious for the challenge"

ahsoka:"what are you an adrenaline junkie?"

y/n:"its not the hunt that matters it's the thrill you get from it"

I smiled at her as she rolls her eyes at and smiles herself as we both sit there looking at the stars I feel calm amd relaxed around ahsoka I'm glad we met.

*one timeskip later*

no one pov:

the four jedi landed on Dathomir immediately taking a speeder right after towards the nearest village they could find,after some time had passed the four had arrived at the closets village the jedi exited the speeder and walked further into the village wich seemed abandoned but was soon found out not be you shouted for everyone to duck they did as  two large metal blades flew over the four's heads quickly the jedi rise up all ignighting their light sabers as they are surrounded by Zabraks all with their metal weapons gritting their teeth but before the attack could commence they all stopped as one of the zabraks looked at you

zabrak male:"y/n?"

you froze and then looked at the male properly

y/n:"wait! tarel?"

immediately the other Zabraks froze as you began to recognize the faces you knew this tribe of Dathomirians males shocking the other jedi

y/n:"I cant believe it I havent seen you guys in years!"

zabrack leader:"as you my young friend it truly has been a while since you and Quinlan vos came here"

he said walking from behind the other zabracks that had surrounded you in joy having enough of this the other three spoke up

anakin:"not to ruin the moment but what?"

ahsoka:"you know these guys and didn't tell us?"

y/n:"how was I suppose to know wich village we were going to?...I was planning to visit after we spoke with mother talzin"

zabrak leader:"mother talzin?...why are you going there?"

y/n:"long story sort there's a new enemy to the jedi...a Zabrak named savage oppress"

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