Chapter 23:Frenemies pt1

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y/n and his group met up with anakin and obi wan who were in the process of saving master Even piell's crewmates,things were going as normal until y/n locked eyes with a person he wished he never had to meet again in his life


*present time*

no one pov:

both shouted at eachother gaining everyone's immediate attention you eyes glowed bright red as your beard your teeth

??:"as animalistic as always never change"

y/n:"I'm surprised venom didnt spew out of your mouth like it usuall does whenever you hiss at me ya old bag"

??:"mean spirited and rude as ever,the jedi could truly do better y/n"

y/n:"I could say the same about the republic seeing that your still allowed to lead tarkin"

the two looked as if they were to break into a fight but anakin and ahsoka stopped both of them

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the two looked as if they were to break into a fight but anakin and ahsoka stopped both of them


he said to tarkin.

ahsoka:"that's quite enough"

she said to y/n.

the two glanced at eachother one last time before each taking a breath leaving with y/n walking off

ahsoka:"where are you going!?"

she called out to hun as he raised his hand

y/n:"I'm gonna scout make sure the cost is clear I'll be back in hour"

he responded almost as if he died inside cause ahsoka to leave after him followed by amber and sparks who were worried for their general.
obi wan looked to anakin as they both shrugged not sure what to make of this situation but decided to put it aside for now and continue with finishing their mission.

*meanwhile with y/n*

your pov:

I cant believe it! out of all the scruffy looking nerve hurters I have to save it's that jackass! ugh!! sometimes if feel like the council know just how to push my god damn buttons

*in y/n's mind*

master windu:"so which mission should we give young l/n?"

master yoda:"to the citidel send him,his skills usful will be"

master mundi:"but doesn't he have a bad history of the place?"

master yoda:"true,but jedi he is,facing the past with no fear learn he must"

master windu:"in that case we better not tell him he's going to resuing captain tarkin"

master yoda:"keep that to yourself you will! another force tantrum we do not need"

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