Chapter 19:Escape

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no one pov:

the storm rages on as you and ahsoka fixed the ship whilst anakin amd obi wan comfronted the father for the last time seeking the dagger that will end the son for good leaving the both of you alone to finish the ship.

y/n:"you sure took this thing apart"

ahsoka:"well I did my part didnt I?"

you smiled and chucked as you put the last peice into it's place and sighed in relief

y/n:"there it's done"

ahsoka:"think she's ready to fly?"

y/n:" let's hope those two got their plan working"

she nods at you as you both climbed out of the ship and walked out to see anakin and obi wan had returned with the dagger

y/n:"where's the father?"

anakin:"he's not going to help...we're on our own"

obi wan:"atleast we have the dagger even without his help it should be enough"

you smiled at the challenge as you held the dagger in your hands you felt a primal instinct as you held the metal

y/n:"let's end this and go home"

you said with a smile as the other nod in agreement.


after a while you finnaly located the son he grit his teeth at both of you

son:"you fools you think you can stop me!?....I promised you peace and a free galaxy! and you turn your backs one me!"

y/n:"your promises were false! and now were here to finnaly kill you!"

son:"kill me? hehehehe! little foolish jedi you cant even touch me!"

he rushes you but you blocked his attack with your lightsaber you tried to hit him with the dagger before he dodged you punched you in your jaw sending your back as you dropped it,the son goes to get the dagger but ahsoka used the force to pull it to her as she runs with it in her possession

son:"damned child! I should've killed you when I first captured you!"

ahsoka:"to bad huh? hey sky guy!"

anakin catches the dagger and rushes the sun from the front at the same time obi wan attacked from behind he turned to deal with the weaker jedi allowing him to get cut fro. the dagger on his back he hissed in pains as he used the force to choke obi wan and throw him into anakin making the two fall back he then called the dagger to him but suddenly his slashed on the face by y/n who flipped over him and grabbed the dagger before it reached the son

y/n:"that was for my eyes from earlier!"

son:"your pointless existence sickens me I hope the day comes where you rot!"

y/n:"trust me....I've heard worse"

you rushed the son using force speed as you cut his cheek and his arm slightly weakening him as he bled and grit his teeth he looked annoyed.

y/n:"doesn't feel good huh?"

ahsoka:"y/n stop messing around"

y/n:"c'mon I'm just having some fun"

you responded as you near dodged a storm of lightning from the son,you continued to charge him with both your light saw and the dagger as it got harder for him to evade you he looked angry as you and ahsoka tagged teamed him only for anakin amd obi wan to join in as well making it increasingly more taxing on the force entity wich only angered him further as he yelled in a fit of rage

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