Chapter 11:Rage

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No one pov:

after some time you all arrived of toydaria once you all landed the four jedi noticed that savage's ship was right there and immediately rush towards the entrance of the kings castle as quickly as possible.

*meanwhile inside*

the toydaria king and his guards were trying to fend off the vicious savage oppress who was proving to be to powerful as he used the force to snap the necks of the two guards the king the unsheathed his sword but compared to savage's lightsaber that dight didn't end well since the red blade of the sith apprentice cut steigt through the metal of the kings sword leaving defenceless as he tries to fly away only to be force choked by the rampaged zabrak when the four jedi made their way inside casing him to loose focus as he turned around in turn droping the king


y/n:"holy hell he's huge!"

you said aloud slightly disturbed by his height he grit his teeth and rushed the four of you ti wich you responded with your lightsabers forcing him to use he double bladed red saber and stiking he went for ahsoka first who held her own when anakin and obi wan jumped in taking him on from both sides wich wasn't a problem for the zabrak you and ahsoka attacked from behind to wich he force pushed the other two and then took the both of you on.
you and ahsoka moved in sync with eachother almost like a dance as you both were flipping over and pulling eachother out of harm's way wich proved a very helpful tactic in fighting savage you both switched with anakin and obi wan who went on the attack pushing back the zabrak sith while in battle he noticed that the toydarian king was weakly trying to fly to safety but not about to allow this to happen savage summons a strong amount of the force to push the for hedi back then reaching out to the king this time snapping his neck and pulling the now dead king towards him,
now with the king's lifeless body in his grasp savage runs off back to his ship leaving the four jedi to God back up and give chase being so far ahead of them he throws the body into his ship and then uses the force to push the jedi's ship of the landing pad before getting into his own ship he sets a course to his master count dooku,the four of you arrived to see him fly off in his ship wich annoyed you all as you were now set back on following him for the time being.


time has passed savage oppress had returned to count dooku walking up to his master and droping the dead king before bowing,dooku turns around and sees the dead king and was immediately angered

dooku:"you barbaric fool!"

he zaps savage with force lighting making the zabrak scream in pain as he falls to his knees clutching his chest panting heavily

dooku:"I ordered him to be brought to me alive! you continued failure will not be tolerated!"

he continues to zap savage pushing him back into the wall angered by his apprentice who continued to kept failing him,the clunt had stopped his attack looking upset at savage when suddenly he heard a familiar voice

??:"now now count is that how you treat your apprentice?"

waiting no time he knew who this was


ventress:"getting count long time no see hmm?"

dooku:"savage! here is your chance to redeem yourself...kill the witch"

dooku is left surprised yet annoyed as savage didnt attack ventress instead he stood by her side

dooku:"what is the meaning of this?"

ventress:"oh you finnaly figured it out have you? I was the one who brought savage to mother talzin he was never your apprentice but my servant...isn't that right?"

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