Chapter 12:Probation:1 Truth

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*one week later*

your pov:

I make my way to the meditation zone where I was to meet master's yoda and plo for my three hour session of meditation and peace of mind training


wich would be more bearable if I didnt have a damn sith lord in my head!

revan:"for the last time I am not a sith or a jedi I am a advocate of the force hear to shape you into what you are ment to be"

y/n:(I'm not meant for anyhting now shut up and just let me get through today's session)

revan:"the more you wine the longer your potential will take to arrive but nevertheless the force will have what it wants you as my apprentice"

I shut him out as best I could our strange connection had gotten stronger I could no longer just hear him in my head it was like he was right next to me yet I couldn't see him and as for others he was unseen and unheard by all except me...I've been led to wonder what he looks like but until I can see him for myself I'm left with just his voice for now.
as I entered the room I see only master plo I wondered about master yoda but then remembered that as the grand master of the order he will be busy with other things sometimes as well but it dindt matter I've been in this room with master plo many times its nothing new


master plo:"come young one...let us begin in our meditation"

y/n:"yes master"

I kneel down and close my eyes and focused on the force

master plo:"let the force speak to you,let it guide you,let it perceive your surroundings but most importantly let it calm you and enlighten you"

y/n:"the force is my ally to wich I am its humble servant,I shall listen to its call and do as it wills"

master plo:" recite the code"

y/n:"there is no emotion there is peace,there is no ignorance there is knowledge,there is no passion there is serenity,there is no chaos there is harmony,there is no death there is the force"

master plo:" I want you to answer me one thing y/n"

y/n:"what is that master plo?"

master plo:"what made you so angry?"

I sat there and pondered...I knew what made me angry ahsoka was hurt...he could've been killed...but that 2asnt the reason...she only let her guard down because I was going to kill dooku in my fit of rage...if I didnt let him get to me she wouldn't have been on probation for her injuries....its my fault she was hurt I was selfish and ignorant!

master plo:"your anger is rising young one...perhaps it has something to do with ahsoka?"

I flinched...he figured me out...

master plo:"I see...this connection with her,to you it feels more then friendship doesn't it?"

I'm left speechless...I've never pondered on these feeling because a jedi wasnt supposed to have them yet hearing them now from another I could only sit still as I'm being faced with the truth it's been nagging me since we formed our close bond....I' in love with her.

master plo:"yes...I sense it now...your fondness over her it isn't just friendship...perhaps youd like to tell me I have a feeling you know to well what it is"

y/n:"I..I do...master?.."

master plo:"yes?"

y/n:" her...more then a care for ahsoka its nothing like I've ever felt before"

he looks at me stroking his mask like a beard as he ponders...I feel ashamed at myself...jedi were forbidden to form attachments yet...I...I created one and tried to hide it only for it to bite me back

master plo:"perhaps it was a good idea master yoda had to train younglings today"

y/n:"forgive me master...I am aware that this is forbidden"

master plo:" not apologize....infact rejoice and praise the force for such a feeling"

I looked at him confused I was certain I was going to be chewee out for this...that if ben on probation longer now to deal with this attachment that I had formed

y/n:"I.. I dont think I understand master...shouldn't I as a jedi be forbidden to love someone like this?"

master plo:"the jedi are encouraged to love,though attachment must not be formed...I think it is wonderful that you want nothing more then to make see her well being ut letting said emotions clud your judment would be your downfall young one"

y/n:"so your saying that it's ok to love her?"

master plo:"not all jedi would like this but I speak to you not as a former master or a jedi but as your friend,you are free to love these feelings are natural to hide and suppress them would be wrong to who you are as a living being after all the jedi are encouraged to love righ?...but succumbing to the attachment that follows as you've seen could cause great damage"

I couldn't believe it...right before me a member of the jedi council was encouraging me to accept my feelings for the girl I've grown so close feels like a dream

y/n:"what do you think I should do about this master...if you are willing to give advise"

master plo:"I'm always here to help if you need it y/n...but when it comes to this matter I have not much insight on it but what I can tell you is that you have my blessing to inform her if she to feels this way I can assure you that no one but us will know"

I loked at him again still in shock...he just basically told me that I could confess to her and that we could have something together as long as its hidden...this is truly something...I smile I count help it I was happy...I didnt expect anyone to understand but I'm glad master plo did...but then again a long side quinlan master plo has always makes me wonder did he always know this would happen?

short chapter this time part two will be out soon but for now I hope y'all enjoyed and I'll see ya around and remember the force is with you ALWAYS!

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