Chapter 13:Probation:2 Confess

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*three hours after the last chapter*

your pov:

after my conversation with master plo iblwft the meditation chamber with a new found determination today I'd plan to tell ahsoka how I feel my only hope is that she accepted the way I felt about her....I just need to stay calm and simply tell her.
I walk through the halls of the temple looking for ahsoka I wasnt sure if she was even here I knew she was suspended till she healed but I'm unsure if she's still here or if she's all healed and off on a mission wich only bothered me more as I was worried that I'd have to wait for who knows how long shed be gone,not paying attention I stopped to think before someone walking into me I caught them busy there hand and used the force to keep the books and a holocron from hitting the ground it was barris

y/n:"hey barris"

barris:"oh master y/n sorry for bumping into you like that"

y/n:"its cool I shouldn't have stopped in the middle of the hall way like that also please dont call me master it feels weird"

barris:"its only for respect you are a higher rank than me"

y/n:"I get that but..."



she smiles and thanks me i then use the force to give her the books and the holocron back once she held it in her hands she thanks me again and out of curiosity I had to ask where she was going

barris:"master luminara is taking me on a trip to ilum,I'm still unsure of the purpose but she told me to bring these specific things"

y/n:"I see...I should really go there myself sometime i like the cold...perhaps for the next gathering"

barris:"that would be nice maybe you could pick out a padawan while you at it"

she chuckled a bit only making me laugh myself

y/n:"I'll admit its be coll but leaving a child in my hands is the worst idea any jedi could make"

she suddenly took my hand as to get my attention as loked at me seriously

barris:"actually I think youd male a great teacher and any padawan would be lucky to have you as a master"

she said avoiding eye contact as the end seemingly embarrased I blushed a little and smiled before hugging and thanking her she blushes and squeals a bit I chuckle letting her go and heading on my way back to my main task she says goodbye as well and heads on her way to meet up with master luminara.

*one short timeskip later*

I had made my way to the temple training grounds I expected to see master drallig training the younglings but instead I saw him watching over serra who was dueling ahsoka the two both used the jarkai method of fighting with their two lightsabers  both of them were green ironically,
I made my way towards them master drallig greets me quietly they didnt notice me as they were caught up in their practice battle so I simply watch the match.

*one fight later*

serra had won pinning ahsoka on the ground she deactivates her lightsaber helping ahsoka to her feet

serra:"despite your slight injury your still really good"

ahsoka:"thanks...though I still think I could do more"

y/n:"nah you did better then I ever did she usually pins me right away"


they yelled surprised I smile as they really didnt notice me at all

y/n:"master plo has a class on sensing your surrounding perhaps you should attent it I was here the whole time"

girls:"you were?"

I smile as they both blushed a bit embarrased as I stood up and went towards them

serra:"glad to see you up and running how's probation"

y/n:"eh I've gotten used to it,it's kinda nice really and I think today's my last day"

revan:"and by nice you mean boring?"

y/n:(shut up!)

revan:"they cannot hear,if you want to confess your love I suggest you get it over with"

y/n:(how'd you know about that!?)

revan:"your mind is my opened I was also there stupid"

I forgot he always in there...I wonder if I can block him out some how?

revan:"dont even think about it"

*snap! snap!*

ahsoka:"hello.. anybody in there?"

y/n:"huh! oh sorry I was uhhh...."

ahsoka:"relax serra had something to do so she told me to take care of you"

y/n:"I'm not a baby"

ahsoka:"no but your my stubborn jedi...glad to see you recover"

she hugged me again I blushed hugging her back telling her the same and apologising for making her get hurt in the first place she chuckled messing up my hair and teeling me it's all in the past I smile as I held her hands and took a deep breath now was my chance I had to tell her or it'll just haunt me forever

y/n:"ahsoka...I have something I need to tell you"


y/n:"you see...we've known eachother for a while and...well...."
(why is this so hard!)

revan:"you are pathetic is it hard to put I love and you in one sentence?"

y/n:(what do you know about love sith!)

revan:"spirit of the force and more then you know"

I push revan out of my mind and focus only on the moment I could the slight blush on ahsoka's face and I'm pretty sure she could see mine

ahsoka:"y/n is something wrong? know you can tell me anyhting right?"

y/n:"yeah I know...and well what I want to tell you is that...."

anakin:"ahsoka! y/n!"

immediately I let go and move away from her as anakin came running in hopefully he didnt see anything

anakin:"ah! there you are I was looking for you"

ahsoka:"hold on master y/n wanted to tell me something"

y/n:"oh! me dont worry I'll tell ya later...the problem skyguy?"

anakin:"the council received a detress call from an unmarked sector in space they say it's some ancient code or something like that"

y/n:"so we gotta go figure it out?"


ahsoka:"why us tho?"

y/n:"because I'm a battle freak,anakin is a wild card,you enjoy bending the rules along with us and obi wan is the only jedi who puts up with our shit"

ahsoka:"fear enough"

and we that the three of us head out to meet with obi wan to embark on this new adventure I didnt get the chance to tell her but thats not important now whoever sent that distress ca could be in serious danger there will be another time to confess to her....
I just realized this also means that I'm officially off probation! woohoo!!!

revan:"by the love of the force...I'm stuck with an idiot"

welp that's all for this chapter and yes you just got cock blocked by anakin get rekt lol!
but seriously hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see ya around and remember the force is with you ALWAYS!

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