Chapter 9:Voices

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your pov:

it's almost been a week since I was made a knight of the order I'm still adjusting I'm no longer stuck up under quinlan and I have been for a while longer then my other masters for sure...didnt think the day would come so soon,
there's also thing with younglings and other padawans calling me master now tho I insists they just call me by my name but jedi will be jedi I just have to deal with it.
I roam the temple nothing much to do as once again I have a day off I made my way to the library where I see Jocasta Nu and wave at her she simply smiles and goes back to her work as I go through the archives looking for anything that could help me with my current voice in the head problem I find at least three books and take them to the table where I begin my reading.

*a few hours later*

I forgot how useless most of these are nothing but spirits old legends and to put it simple the force in a voice you would know but I dont know that voice ugh!

??:(you let your hate take you...foolish for a jedi)

and there it is!

??:(you honestly expect to get rid of me?)

y/n:(good to know this is a two way thing now and we can talk but fuck off!)


worth a shot looks like I'm stuck with this guy I whoever he is...I held my head in a bit of pain as these texts didn't help me at all I just need a clear head but with him in my mind I dont have that ugh! just so annoying

??:(for a jedi you are angrier then most...I wonder if this will be your downfall?)

y/n:(you I dont need right just just leave me alone and let me think)

??:(I can help you just let me tell you my knowledge)

y/n:(I've had enough of you trying to teach me I dont need nor want you your a sith I know it I can see you but I can hear you and I wont let you get me!"

and with that short outburst he quieted down...I try calling to him to see if theie was just a trick but no reply...looks like I'm free for now... ut how long with this peace of mind last

"tap tap"

I turn slightly and see a familiar face one I haven't seen I a good while

I turn slightly and see a familiar face one I haven't seen I a good while

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serra:"well looks like your a full fledged jedi bow huh?"

I smiled a bit hugging my friend that I havent seen in years she smiles as well and hugged my back

serra:"ok big guy let's not get rumors started"

y/n:"heh sorry it's just been a while I missed you"

serra:"hey its common but with your old master what should I expect?"

I smiled scratching my head as we talked while I returned the books,she told me of the many adventures she had and I told her of mine she seemd to be a little jealous that I see a bit more action then here to wich I found hilarious as she pouted at me for laughing

serra:"laugh it up I can beat you in a fight"

y/n:"wanna bet?"

serra:"pining you under me is a pleasure so why would I refuse"

y/n:"that was on purpose and you know it"


we both share a laugh as we walk though the temple halls,soon enough we ran into ahsoka who had returned from a mission if I remember correctly

y/n:"look time no see partner"

ahsoka:"glad to see you didnt change master"

y/n:"please don't call me that"

ahsoka:"but your a knight as a padawan I have to for respect"

I saw through her lies she just wanted to mess with me but it's all fun and games no ones being harmed

??:(the jedi are a lot softer then I remember)

welp it was nice while it lasted

serra:"so you gonna I to duce me or am I gonna be left in the dark"

y/n:"huh?...oh yeah serra this is ahsoka she's one of the other jedi I've been working with for the past month now...ahsoka this is serra master drallig's padawan and my childhood best friend"

serra:"nice to meet you ahsoka"

ahsoka:" what was it like dealing with him?"

serra:"everyday was challenge"

they both laughed as I rolled my eyes to their teasing nothing I'm not used to from them

??:(your feeling are strong for them...I thought attachment was forbidden?)

y/n:(I dont need a sith lecturing me!)

??:(I am no sith..nor am I a jedi...I am simply a guide here to offer my wisdom to you apprentice)

I sighed holding my head in a small amount of pain once again but I shake it off once the two looked at me concerned as I try to easy their sudden worry about me

ahsoka:"have you been sleeping recently?"

y/n:"I'm  fine honeslty"

serra:"you haven't been sleeping again?!"

y/n:(what are you both my mothers now?)



serra:"you need to get rest so go to your room now"


ahsoka:"no buys mister you can help anyone in this war if you cant stay awake"

these two are so stubborn....heh guess they're like me huh?

y/n:"alright I'll go...see you both later?"

ahsoka:"I'll be in a study session with barris you'll know where to find us"

serra:"I'll be hanging with my master so dont worry about me"

I nod as they wave goodbye to me and push me in the direction of my room until I started walking I only smiled as they were being silly now but I could use a small nap

??:(you shouldn't let other cloud your mind apprentice)

y/n:(says the voice in my head...and I'm not your apprentice)

??:(you will be)

I sighed annoyed as I made my way to my room once entering I see luna on the bed sleep I moved next to the kitten and pulled her close as she readjusted herself to sleep comfortably

y/n:(so...what's your name?)

??:(you decided on my offer?)

y/n:(no!...but its obvious that I'm stuck with you so it's better I call you something other then just annoying asshole)

??:(the feeling is mutual y/n l/n)

y/n:(so...gonna leave me in the dark or?)

??:(my name.....)

Revan:(is REVAN)

welp that's it for this chapter hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya around and remember the force is with you ALWAYS!

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