Chapter 8:The plan

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no one pov:

it was the night of the summit hundreds of officials filled the room as bail organa his wife senator amidala and a few others sat on top the stage,
while that was going on you,ahsoka and the guards roamed the area keeping tabs on all possible entrances and exits as bail had finished his speech leaving padme to stand and take her place in the center of the stage by the podium as she took a breath and started speaking

padme:"thank you senator organa,I wanted to start by thanking you all for coming here...I still remember when the illegal blockade of my home naboo led by the trade federation was active,though to many it would seem like a small problem but to my peopl it was tremendous many lives were lost as the droid army took control of the capital both the naboo and gungan society both suffered heavy casualties in the battle for the planet and it was where the jedi master Qui-gon Jinn lost his life,and now I find my self a witness and living part of a full scale war...."

you listened carefully to her words while sensing out the place you noticed ahsoka had ran off instead of following her you stayed still listening and sensing out the area when suddenly

y/n:"look out!"

you yelled getting everyone's attention when in slow motion a red blaster bolt helded straight for padme but before she could be hit you stood before padme with your arms stretched you the blaster bold frozen as you struggle to hold it in place

y/n:"senator please leave I cannot...hold...this much....longer!!!"

you began to struggle more as the both started slowy approaching the both of you padme moved as your force freeze had given way making you get hit by the speeding blaster bolt unable to dodged in time,you keyed ther unconscious the wound in you left shoulder


she called out as two guard rushed to your body and picked you up taking you to the medics.
meanwhile with ahsoka she was chasing after the bounty hunter aurra sing

meanwhile with ahsoka she was chasing after the bounty hunter aurra sing

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(aurra sing)

the padawan ran after the bounty hunter as she tried to make her escape but ahsoka was not letting up aurra shot at ahsoka but the padawan easily blocked each oth the shots almost getting hit by one of her reflected shots,once releasing that the padawan had no intention of letting up she used one of her dirty tricks temporarily blinding her as she escaped from ahsoka's grasp and getting away for now.
once ahsoka regained her visions she cused herself as aurra sing was gone and she had no idea where she was at the moment she decided to leave it at that for now amd rush back to the others hoping padme amd y/n where okay,upon returning her eyes widened as she saw y/n unconscious on a bed with bandages over his left shoulder

ahsoka:"y/n!...what happend to him?"

padme:"he stopped the blaster bolt fro. hitting me I was to shooken to move but when I did it was to late for him to dodged the blast himself....I'm sorry ahsoka"

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