Chapter 18:Bright lights&Dark shadows

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your pov:

I slowly woke up to see that I was being carried on obi wan's back and ahsoka was being helped up by anakin...wait...what happened?

*moments earlier*

no one pov:

the son had fled and the daughter was rapidly loosing life obi wan had rushed over to you your clothes smoldering as he saw burnt skin slowly heal only leaving a few places permanently scared,he put you on his back and walks back to anakin who's currently pleading with the father to help ahsoka but there wasnt anything he could do seeing that there was bearly any light left his voice truly sadded as he held his daughters cheek to wich she slowly touches his hand and then points to ahsoka giving him a certain look wich he understood immediately

anakin:"what is doing?"

father:"she wants to give what's left of her light to her"

anakin:"anything please"

father:"quickly there isn't much time touch sit in between them and touch their forheads"

as anakin does this he closes his eyes to focus soon the stor. around them settles slightly as anakin's eyes shoot open purely white as both bodies raided in their air,anakin then drops to his hands as both bodies slowly desent back onto the ground the daughter was now lifeless anakin had turned his head to ahsoka but seeing no response he thought he was to late only to hear her cough as took a deep breath slowly sitting up


he said happily as he hugged his young padawan helping her to her feet

ahsoka:"my head hurts...what happened....wait where's y/n!?"

obi wan:"right here,poor fellow burned himself out he's fine and healing"

ahsoka:"oh...that's good"

she said as memories came back to her what had happened her talk with y/n what she said what he said....she felt a bit bad about what happend but snaking pats her shoulder reassuring that you were fine she smiles and you started to wake up.


ahsoka:"I'm ok?"

y/n:"a little banged up...I'll live"

she smiles again and so do you as both obi wan and anakin assist you back to the ship.

*short timeskip*

back at the ship ahsoka was patching you up for your burn marks while anakin and obi wan were visiting the father one last time,she placed the last bacta patch on your shoulder and then hugged you wich took you off guard but you hugged back

ahsoka:"I..I'm sorry for what I said"

y/n:"hey relax you weren't yourself I'm just glad you're ok"

ahsoka:"...did...did you mean it?...what you said?"


ahsoka:"y/n...please...did you mean it?"

y/n:"I know we shouldn't...and it goes agaisnt the code but...I love you ahsoka,more then I could ever comprehend...I felt it when we met and then we became such great friends and it only grew from there...ahsoka...I l..."

she interrupts you by kissing your lips you kissed her back as you held her sides and she held your shoulders,you both held eachother for what felt like an eternity but truly only lasted a few minutes as you both separate lolling at eachother with a bit of surprise but both of you blushing as you both chuckled slightly

y/n:"well,wasnt that something?"

ahsoka:"hehe~ shut up and kiss me big guy"

y/n:"that I can do~"

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