Chapter 15:Dreams

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No one pov:

hours have passed y/n and anakin followed the daughter as the place slowly approached night,the daughter looks into the sky before turning to the two jedi

daughter:"we much arrive there before nightfall come!"

anakin:"where is there any way?"

daughter:"we are going to his monastery"

anakin:"and who's he?"

daughter:"the father"

y/n:(what a big help!)

you though as you look dow. at your feet everywhere you walked acted as if poison had touched it this had never happened before and it has you worried and on top of it you wanted to know what was the hollowed vessel and more importantly why was she calling you it?

revan:"the chosen one is the prophecy of the force"

y/n:(ok...dont remember asking)

revan:"the prophecy has a missing peace its speak of a bearing made to destroy or maintain yet all though it was the chosen one himself"

y/n:(and you know this how?)

revan:"all who have studied the force for at least 22 years had at least heard rumors of this prophecy"

you pondered on that thought for a while maybe he was onto something with the prophecy wich made it easier for you to understand why they wanted anakin as for didn't know why you were wanted you were nothing special like anakin was supposed to be at least you dont think you are.

y/n:*sighs*(I wonder how the others are doing)


obi wan and ahsoak had gone back to the ship ahsoka was running some maintenance while obi wan sought to to working one establishing a connection to the republic cruiser but with no luck as ahsoka came out form inside the ship with a bit of black smudges on her face

ahsoka:"any luck master?"

obi wan:"cant say so no...."

ahsoka:"its been think they're ok?"

obi wan:"your worried about y/n?"

ahsoka:*blushes*"what? no!...just...I like knowing when my friends are ok"

obi wan:*smug face*"I see"

ahsoka hops put of the hole and gets a cloth to clean her face and arms free of the oil as she walks put of the ship and sits on the ramp looking off into the sill li sky frowning,obi wan walks up beside her

obi wan:"if you want we could follow them"


he then points to the patches of decayed grass left by where you would making a trail to follow she smiles and looks at
obi wan he nods and the two start to follow the trail of dead grass

*two hours later*

the place had gotten dark and hard to see anything as darkness over took the place and made everything die in a way  ahsoka and obi wan were left with no other option then to turn back and return to the ship seeing that it made no sense to continue in this darkness but that also proved to be a problem as when they returned ed to the ship it was gone mysteriously disappearing without a trace leaving the two jedi in shock and confusion.

obi wan:"ships just dont walk away like that"

ahsoka:"I'm starting to not like this place"

suddenly dark chuckling could be heard the two ignighted their lightsabers and stood back to back looking around as they saw black smoke surround them as it began to take form

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