chapter 24

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It was time for birth, I wanted a home birth as this was my first son. It was hard and painful, but I pushed as hard as I could, Philip held my hand, while the mid wife, Elizabeth and Susan coach me into doing it, it was my second time but something was different. The pain was more intense, I don't know if its the fact that boys have broader shoulders or what but the pain I felt was so bad. After three hours of hard work, Philip Jr, was born, I wanted him to be named Aiden but since this is Philip's first son he wanted the honor and I gave that to him. He was so beautiful, still fresh but I could tell looked like Philip. Our apartment was constantly full as I was a new mom again and a tired one at that. Philip, Susan and Elizabeth took turns with Jace, Meredith and Philip Jr, as my energy was low and needed all the help I could get. Philip stood by the window, looking down the street, I lay on the bed watching him as he looked, something has been off with Philip lately and I don't know what it was.
"Are you alright?" I asked
He turns and look at me, "yeah just looking out." He then walks over and sat next to me.
"You look so beautiful when you worry."
" I know Nicole isn't alive so you can't be cheating, can you?" I zoomed in on him.
He laughs, "I would be dumb to make another mistake like that, besides I see how precious you are and can't imagine losing you."
The way how he spoke scared me.
"What's wrong?" I looked into his eyes and that's when he broke down crying, I immediately sat up and hugged him.
"Its alright please don't cry, I love you."
"I really, really love you." He said.
"I know." I held him tight, while he cried.
That night we slept so tight as tight as possible, in each others arms. The next couple of days have been progress, I still feel anxious and sloppy but my mind was on Philip and why he broke down, well we decided to go to dinner just the two of us to have some alone time because we needed it. He took me to a downtown rooftop restaurant, called 'Pinto', so beautiful and elegant nothing but italian food. I loved it so much, we had a lovely evening and left the restaurant, walking back to our car, which was located in the parking garage on the floor below. We sat in our car just having a little make out session, when our car got rear ended pushed both of us forward hitting the dashboard. Then suddenly I only felt myself being dragged by the hair out the car and across the parking lot, my vision was blurry but I could see a little to know its Frank, deep down I knew he was alive.
"You miss me?"
He picks me up and grabbed me by my neck.
"I see our son has beem born, its a shame you named him after my brother, don't worry when he dies, he will know who his father is."
"You and I both know, he's not your son."
I was slapped to the floor.
"I could have been it, we could have been special, but you had to love him, I am your man, I am your prince, not that piece of shit sitting in the car that is about to die, me."
I looked over at the car but notice no movement, I wonder if Philip's alright.
"I love you, he always get his way and that kills me, I work hard and he has to put on his charm."
"I don't know what your talking about?"
"Of course you don't, but I made a promise that if I go, you go too because if there is one thing I know he would die for you."
"Not today." I heard a voice, I looked around and saw Philip pointing a gun, and fired a bullet, knocking Frank to the ground. I was stunned, about everything but how did Philip get a gun. I got up and ran over to Philip.
"Baby are you alright?" His face had a cut on it, and his nose was bleeding.
"Where did you find that gun?" I asked stunned.
"I had it for protection, I just never told you."
I hugged him but as soon as I let go I heard aloud bang, that's when I looked at Philip and noticed a hole in his chest and behind me Frank had gotten up.
"You didn't think I had it in me did you?"
"Actually no." Philip replied.
That's when he took the last shot this time, Frank went down and he stayed down. I immediately ran over to Philip as he had fell to the floor holding his chest.
"Your so beautiful, from day I knew you were the one." He said.
"Don't say anything, let me call the ambulance. " I quickly ran to the car and dialed 911.
"Can I get an ambulance to W411 street, parking garage floor 10, please hurry my husband has been shot." With that I hung up the phone.
I rushed over to Philip, who was slowly breathing.
"Stay with me please, don't go, an ambulance is coming baby."
"Its doesn't matter, I won't make it." He said
"Please don't say, you will and you will come home too."
"You always see the good in people and that's why I love you so much, my kids and I have been lucky to have you in our lives."
"Stop talking like this, you will be fine, please. " I pleaded.
"I love you so much but it's time."
"What is?"I asked
"You won't believe me, but my time is up."
I began to cry, "What do you mean? "
"It was either me or you, and I can't live without you. "
"What are you saying? " I asked
"One of us had to die, it was you always you who died, rbut I can't live without you, and I can't save both of us either, so I keep reliving our life until I find a way to save yours and this is the only way"
I burst out crying.
"I can't live without you please don't go. "
"I would die if you're not by my side, its easier knowing I died more so than you, it would kill me and I don't want our children to not have both parents, your stronger and can pick up the pieces, I can't."
"You would rather me suffer then. "
"You won't, you found me once am sure you can find me again, but I can't say the same for me, am too damaged to think how you do. "
I began crying louder, as I heard sirens approach.
"Hold tight you will make it. "
He took my hands and put it over his chest,
"This, my heart will always belong to you, so please don't forget that."
With that he took his last breath, which made me cry. My husband, my love died in my arms. The police and ambulance had arrived but I was too dazed to care, they grabbed me but I was too hysterical to let go, I can't, I won't.

Plz listen to the song, thata the mood I was in when I wrote this chapter.... Nothing will ever be the same anymore...

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